Are E-cigarettes Less hazardous For You When Compared To Real Cigs

1st April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most people see this more and more around the globe now than you did within the last five years. Electronic cigs are on the rise and taking over the industry of real cigs. Why is this? The actual reason may be that many people have came to think that electronic cigarettes tend to be much healthier instead of real cigs, yet our question is if this is accurate at all? Continue reading Read More

Electronic Cigarettes: A Great Alternative

22nd January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Before we tell you about electronic cigarettes, we want you to do a brief quiz. Simply present truthful answers to the following inquiries: Continue reading Read More

The Various Rewards of the Electronic Cigarette Reviewed

9th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are a smoker the same as me, then you recognize that there are more and more environments in which smoking is banned. Whether or not you subscribe to a portion, all, or not any of the injurious results of smoking, you can’t refute that it’s getting harder and harder to find an area to appreciate a cigarette aside from your abode. Well, I certainly would like to inform you about a wonderful alternative that I and various other smokers have discovered: the electronic cigarette. Continue reading Read More

Electronic Cigarettes: Change the Way in Which You Smoke

21st November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It used to be that smoking was acceptable anywhere. These days, though, smoking is an activity that’s frowned upon by society. What does this mean? Well, generally it means that smoking is banned practically everywhere, and smokers are often hard-pressed to find a place to enjoy a cigarette. While we can’t exactly say that smokers are ostracised, they usually are relegated to only a few uncomfortable locations where smoking is allowed. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an alternative to cigarettes that lets smokers stay in the mainstream whilst still satisfying their craving for nicotine? Well, I’m here to tell you that now there is! Read on to learn what I know so far about a revolutionary device, electronic cigarettes (e-cigs). Continue reading Read More

A Perfect Select for Smokers: The NICOCIG™ Electronic Cigarette

8th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nowadays there are just a handful places where smoking is permitted. Considering all the serious health concerns, a lot more individuals are refraining from cigarettes entirely or trying to restrict their consumption. Due to the fact that I am a smoker myself, I’m quite aware of how my peers, close friends and family actually feel about my bad habit, in particular if I’m smoking near them. Well, I’ve happened upon a small contraption that may make it much easier for individuals around me to tolerate my smoking: the NICOCIG™ electronic cigarette. Continue reading Read More