The Prayer For Anyone Seeking Peace, Strength And Wisdom In Life

15th April, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you aware about the serenity prayer? Do you have any idea how powerful that prayer is? This prayer is ideal for those who find themselves seeking peace, strength and wisdom in life. I have to share to you an article dealing with serenity prayer. It is about the people who are into drugs and that they find it hard to change their lives. John-Ross Boyce, the writer of this article, mentioned, “There’s an old prayer in rehabilitation centers to help bolster the downtrodden spirits of drug addicts and alcoholics. It goes, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Addicts have these things called “triggers” situations or problems that drive them to consume unhealthy amounts of alcohol/crack/horse tranquilizers. The whole point of the Serenity Prayer is that the problems which plague you may have fix or not, but that does not matter. What really matters is your attitude when confronted with your daily demons.” Continue reading Read More

The Very Lengthy Drug Development System

10th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many individuals don’t understand how complex the method of pharmaceutical development is. There’s significantly to it than inventing a “magic pill” and placing it on the market. It requires significant financial investment and an average of 10-15 years before a pharmaceutical can be available on the market to be employed by individuals. Scientists, chemists, and pharmacologists spend many hours inside the lab researching before a drug is even synthesized. The particular factor that researchers wish to uncover is how do genetic and cellular elements interact to trigger particular diseases. You will find four particular actions that researchers go through throughout the drug study process and they are: target identification, target prioritization, lead identification and lead optimization. Continue reading Read More

Pharmaceutical Consultants Unmask Rule Breaking Doctors Working With The FDA

10th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The US Government Accountability Office GAO has used pharmaceutical consultants to look into people working for the FDA and the results are a damning criticism that the Food and Drug Administration hires criminally convicted doctors to work for it in clinical trials. By failing to debar anyone with a criminal record from work activities with the FDA, the Administration is breaking its own rules. Continue reading Read More