Distance Healing Connects You To All That IS: The Highest Source Of Creation.

3rd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lets get to the awesome benefits of distance healing. So what is distance healing exactly: it is an energy therapy sent over distances, which involves using the body’s energy fields to heal and maintain wellness, strength, and clarity. Learn lots more about wellness and distance healing right here: distance healing Continue reading Read More

Believe It Or Not There Is One Thing That I Can Compare Distance Healing And Divorce With.

1st August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What in the world could divorce and distance healing have in common? If there is something in common would you be surprised? On the surface, and even when digging deeper it is difficult to find anything at all! But, believe it or not there is one thing that I can compare distance healing and divorce with. And so I have found that distance healing and divorce both have a mysterious, unusual, and practically unexplainable energy form called a morphic field. Continue reading Read More

I Think The Effect Of Distance Healing Can Be Much More Intense Through The Increased Focus Of Both The Practitioner And Receiver.

29th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Time and space are an illusion. I know this through distance healing. Since normally during a distance session the focus of both the practitioner and receiver is increased, I think the effect can be much more intense. In a lot of cases this might be the reason why distance healing is more powerful than direct healing. If you have had both, did your own experience prove this? Think about it. Learn lots more about wellness and distance healing right here: distance healing Continue reading Read More

The Wellness Of People And Pets Alike Can Benefit From Distance Healing.

26th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lets get to the awesome benefits of distance healing. But before this I will now explain what distance healing is. Distance healing is a kind of chi energy, or bio energy therapy, which involves using the body’s energy fields to heal and maintain wellness, strength, and clarity, and the energy is transmitted over distances. Increase your wellness with distance healing now: distance healing Continue reading Read More

Distance Healing Or A Distance Attunement Becomes A Form Of Entrainment.

25th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A distance healing? Why do people do it? The reasons are varied. I know people who have done a distance healing just for the thrill, or distance attunement, to do something new and bizarre. Not something I would suggest. Continue reading Read More