Why Detox Seems to Work

5th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When you go on a detox diet, you will lose a few pounds, and you may be impressed by the way your stomach flattens and there are three explanations for that with the first one being that your digestive tract is very long – nearly 30 feet and that can hold a lot of waste. An effective colon cleanse can purge your colon. It will make you feel less bloated than before. But those pounds will, obviously, go straight back on again as soon as I start to eat normally. A person will be able to notice the smaller stomach that is partly a result of one of these plans. A second thing that occurs naturally in our bodies is the buildup of gas through the foods that we eat. The gas expands the stomach. When you cleanse your system, this is unable to buildup and you do not feel as bloated.The final reason is, of course, that you’re starving yourself because most detox diets severely restricts the food you can eat and some do not allow you to eat food at all and that means your body has to feed on itself to survive which brings us to the first detox snag.Detox Snag 1: Your metabolism will slow downIf a person restricts their food intake too much, their body will try conserve its resources. It is a primitive reaction. The result is that your metabolism drops way down. But here’s the bigger catch. When you start eating normally again, your metabolism doesn’t instantly go back to normal. Because of this reaction, any weight that was lost, will return in a hurry since the calories are not burned as easily.Detox Snag 2 – You Won’t Lose FatMost people think that if you starve yourself, your body will have to use fat for fuel but this is not so, because your body is determined to save your fat stores as long as possible and instead of lose fat naturally, it uses glycogen stored in your liver and muscles first, and that will last several days and thus a 3 or 4 day detox won’t shift any of that fat you’re hoping to get rid of.Myth number three is that you will be able to workout while detoxingA person should not workout hard while they are following one of these programs. It is hard to exercise when you do not have enough get and go to do it. While you are detoxing you are more likely to be inactive while you complete it. The best way to tri the fat is through exercise and a person should not skip this. Fat does not use the same amount of energy as muscle does. And being toned can make a big difference to how trim your body looks, even before you lose weight. The only way to get the muscles is through consistent workouts. Stopping an exercise program for a detox can destroy what you have accomplished. What you gain from the detox doesn’t offset that setback.Lots of people will tell you why you should or should not undertake one of these programs. The choice is different for every individual. There are some major points to think about. In the short term, a detox will lose you a few pounds. That is great if you want to fit into that dress for a special occasion. But if you have more than that to lose, detoxing is more likely to be a speed bump on your road to success. Continue reading Read More

How Removing Poisons Will Help You Get Healthier

30th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The Master Cleanse or Lemon Detox Diet, Fat Flush, 21 Pounds in 21 Days, the Liver Detox Diet; these are just a few of the so-called detox diets that have become all the rage and have holistic healers and diet gurus pushing all sorts of products and regimens that are supposed to help purge our bodies of chemicals and toxins, while helping us to lose weight fast.Why should a person try to remove these so called toxins? Is your body in danger due to the presence of these toxins. How many pounds can you expect to drop if these plans can speed up the way your body works as they claim?According to doctors the answer is a resounding no because although a day on a detox diet program probably won’t hurt you, there is little point in following these restrictive diets, and they can do far more harm than good. Extreme diets generally do little more than cause frustration, are potentially dangerous. They are much better at making money for the manufacturer than they are at making a person healthier.Not everyone understands how these cleansing systems work. Most detox diets promote herbs, pills, potions, colonics, and fasts to rid the body of impurities and they also promise a quick way to lose fat naturally, but the truth is that you will shed unwanted pounds, but it is not because of any medical magic, it is because these plans are super-low in calories.You will lose weight, but it is the not the unhealthy fat you want to lose but precious body protein and fluids. Detox diets tend to be extremely restrictive, allowing only unprocessed plant foods. These are supposed to assist the lymph, kidneys, and liver with the detox process.Gallons of water or specially formulated drinks along with are generally the only liquids allowed. If a person listens to what is called for in a few of the plans they will follow a liquid diet for as long as two weeks at a time. Coffee, tea, alcohol, processed foods, and animal products are not commonly part of any detox diet plans. There are plenty of people who follow a organic diet on a regular basis, the cleansing systems are much more radical.Any time that you follow a program that severely restricts your food intake a person should worry if they are getting enough nutrition. It can be impossible for a person to obtain the daily recommended amount of vitamins or minerals that they require with some of the detox plans. Most medical experts say that these radical cleansing systems are not safe and should be avoided unless a person has other reasons to use one than health.There are many potential dangers to these types of diets. Many experts say that we don’t need detox diets. Many cases have been documented about a person who followed a cleansing program and got sick from it. No one is sure whether they will actually help. These experts say you can get the same types of results without going to the drastic measures that are called for. The best way to remain fit and trim is through proper diet and exercise. Stay away from the processed foods and the unhealthy things that surround us. This will lower the amount of toxins that ever enter the body. The systems in our bodies can flush the toxins out naturally. It is a natural process that occurs everyday. If you decide to do things that are unhealthy on a constant basis than your body will have difficulty removing all the poisons. Because of this there is no need for most of us to go through what is often a grueling process. By eating the right foods and only eating unhealthy things in moderation a person will be able to keep their body working efficiently without having to undergo a special program on a regular basis. That can save you a lot of time and wasted money that would be used on a detox program. Continue reading Read More

Shedding The Pounds Using A Cleansing System

30th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of us have diets that rely on fast food places. A diet that consists of this will not supply our systems properly. The thing that we do get is a bunch of poisons that build up within us. Most of us today want to have that perfectly sculpted body and if you want to lose weight in a natural and organic way, a detox diet will not only remove the toxins from your body but will also help you lose weight and one of the most popular and quick detox techniques is using detox drinks to lose weight. Continue reading Read More

Should You Rid Yourself Of The Toxins That Are In You

29th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is a misconception that detoxing is a quick-fix for a bad lifestyle but the truth is that detoxing is a temporary relief, and when you are to the point of considering a detox diet, what you should really be considering is overall healthier lifestyle habits because good health is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. Continue reading Read More

A Detoxing Program Is Not Always Safe

26th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Popular detox diets promise to flush poisons from your body, purge pounds of excess fat, clear your complexion and bolster your immune system, but experts say there’s little evidence that extreme regimens such as the Master Cleanse or Fruit Flush do anything more than lead to unpleasant, unhealthy side effects.Still, these super-restrictive eating plans are hotter than ever. It has been a popular diet at many times in the world’s history and seems to make a comeback into the mainstream at different times. No one knows for sure the amount of dieters who use one of these detox program, but it is a huge industry so there must be some market for them. Medical professionals are quick to warn the public that they do not know what the long term risks of these programs are. Because of the very restrictive nature of these programs and the fact that they include drugs to eliminate waste products a person is not getting all of the nutrition they need. The lack of the nutrients may allow a person to be more susceptible to many other conditions that could make them sick or worse.The scores of detox diet books and kits out there each have their own take on how to cleanse the body, one calls for spices and fruit juices, another for only vegetable purees, and many of them claim to help a person lose fat naturally, but most of them boil down to extremely low-calorie, primarily liquid diets. The idea behind a detox diet, which can last anywhere from three days to about a month, is to rid the body of toxins absorbed from the environment and the less than healthy foods we eat, and this cleansing is supposed to leave you feeling energized. The restrictive nature of some programs is so extreme that a person will only take in fluids and supplements for a period of time to cleanse their body. Many intestinal experts say we don’t need an extreme diet to cleanse our insides. Unless a person has other health problems that prevent it, they can use their natural systems to remove the unwanted chemicals and keep them from being built up in them selves. Another problem that is created with the detox programs is that they do not always discriminate the bad toxins from the good stuff in our body’s and remove it all. The side effects from prolonged, severe calorie restriction can include headache, fatigue, irritability, aches and pains. Because many rely on aggressive laxatives, these diets can also get pretty messy. Constant bouts of diarrhea will lead a person to many other unpleasant symptoms that might not be worth the effort. One of the claims that is made by the makers of these programs is that they will boost the amount of energy a person has and this has not been shown to happen to everyone. If your body is not taking in enough calories for an extended period of time, it will go into a conservation mode that actually makes you feel less energized. The fact that a body is not getting the nutrition it needs also makes it take whatever it can from any source, which means it doe not just burn fat to create energy. The restrictive nature of these programs will cause a person to shed some pounds in a hurry, however, the pounds will be put back on easily once the program is over. The more radical the program, the more likely this is to occur. The detox plans are a great way for a person to get into a weight loss plan, but if they don’t change their unhealthy habits they will regain the weight and probably more over the long term. It may sound great that you can change the way you look overnight if you follow one of these cleansing systems, and the advertising makes it look attractive, but in the end it is better for a person to learn how to make the right food choices and get regular physical activity if they want to get healthy and stay that way. Continue reading Read More

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