There Are Several Different Types of Depression

2nd April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Estimates are that almost 15 million Americans suffer from Depression, a serious problem. It’s a proven illness. Even though it’s a mental illness, the afflicted is not responsible for it because of personal habits like laziness. Depression can affect anyone. It has no reasoning for its path. Executives to janitors can be affected. Race or religion aren’t important. It’s not true that only weaker people suffer from this problem. The historic stereotypes associated with mental illness are meaningless. The suffering associated with this disease will only get worse without treatment. It will not simply go away if you ignore the symptoms. Untreated this illness will advance and will take over your life. Continue reading Read More

Depression Medications Used To Address Depression

27th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A few days of feeling sad or depressed does not mean depression. Depression can last for years, it’s a serious illness. Studies have show that around 15 million Americans are affected by this illness each and every year. Only about 4.5 million of those people seek help, which is unfortunate. The age- old stereotype associated with mental illness influences many to still avoid admitting they suffer from depression. Of the list of progressive ailments depression is one of the worst. Without attention it will become more and more severe. It cannot be ignored. Continue reading Read More