The Deal With False Teeth

6th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One gentleman had false teeth and in the first 15 years he was not even able to eat corn on the cob. For his lower plate, it would dislodge whenever he bit the corn off. It has been two years since he had dentures screwed to his jaw. He is now 54, he can eat anything he wants and enjoy that favorite summer treat once again. Continue reading Read More

Taking A Look At Oral Care

4th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Next to proper oral hygiene, our diet has the greatest effect on our dental health. Let’s contemplate the effects of the foods we consume on our teeth and our dental health. In the past insufficient research is emphasized on the chemistry of nutrients on dental cavities, in other words, emphasis is placed on the effects of the food consumed and the initial effects of food on teeth and gums while in the mouth. There are also social, environmental, and human factors that can have an impact on our teeth. Continue reading Read More

When Periodontal Disease Eats At Your Teeth

2nd January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Annually, Americans lose as much as 30 million teeth because of periodontal disease. In a situation like this, the hard tissue of the jaws is exposed due to plaque fosters bacteria that eat away the gums. Afterward, the tooth starts to work loose for the bone in the jaws decays and recedes. The effectiveness of a new material known as HTR polymer is what dentists are relying on to stop this process. Although they are gritting their patients’ teeth, this seems to work. Continue reading Read More

Pain Free Dental Treatments Now Possible

31st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is one lady who really is a fraidycat. When they pierced her ears, she jumped out of the chair. That’s why she was uneasy at the prospect of having two teeth extracted. People’s fears of flying, heights and spiders in the world of phobias rank along with the fear of getting into a dentist chair. According to the American Dental Association, about one hundred and forty five million people avoid getting dental work just because they are scared of it. Dentistry has achieved a lot to help patients get rid of their fears and lead them out of their desolation, as you might say. Continue reading Read More

All About Lasers

31st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is a growing fascination with lasers today and people are looking for new ways to apply this kind of technology to fields like entertainment, defense, sports, research, business, and medicine. An example of laser usage is that in the dental field. When it comes to laser dentistry, the tool that is utilized in performing various procedures are lasers or light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Continue reading Read More

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