Why Is Periodontal Disease Such A Dangerous Disease?

11th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

This patient finds it peculiar that her doctor practically says the same thing just like what her dentist told her. This type of gum disease according to this 56-year-old lady’s doctor could spread into other body organs and may later on lead to much more perilous health problems. This lady said that she doesn’t usually floss and now, the thought of oral problems bothers her a lot. She was puzzled with what her doctor said that hey mouth and her heart are linked together. Her doctor said this and he is definitely right after all. When one goes to the doctor for a regular checkup, the first thing that doctors do is to look into the person’s mouth. A couple of studies suggest that gum disease or periodontal disease has something to do with heart diseases and stroke. Read on to further know about the facts of periodontal disease. Continue reading Read More

More Adults Want To Wear Braces Nowadays

6th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Adults with big smiles and braces are what you will see as you go from coast to coast. Adults by the masses are going to orthodontists with the desire to have better teeth and happier smiles. The words caution, mouth under construction were seen on a button worn by the Michigan state senator not too long ago. In a dentist’s office in Los Angeles, two adult patients saw each other, smiled, and got married in a double brace ceremony. Continue reading Read More

Determinants Of Gum Disease

15th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

New data on gum disease has taken multitudes by surprise. Studies by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in America show that eight out of ten adults have contracted gum disease. Any sensible person would heed such a clear warning. Continue reading Read More

Dental Care Spurs Condominium Sales

12th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In selling condominium developments, new marketing methods are being used effectively. The latest would be free dental services for those who will buy or rent. A Pennsylvanian firm has now specialized in marketing these dental care plans of large developers of apartments! Families’ children find the unique plan particularly attractive. Many families can realize how much they are saving with this extra value for their money with the free dental and hygiene package that comes along the home they either purchase or rent. The optimistic authorities who designed this states that this is as enticing as the other proven modes of marketing like putting greens, having saunas and heated swimming pools. Compared to other promotional endeavors, the cost is very moderate. Continue reading Read More

A Jaw Problem That Is Either Ignored Or Forgotten

9th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

This lady is banned from yawning only in a given time that’s why when she wakes up in the morning; she is only allowed to stretch. All habits concerning her mouth, the organ through which she speaks and eats, and often involuntarily lets out a yawn are going to be muffled for a time, as her once noisy jaws mend from corrective surgery. Continue reading Read More

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