People Fail To Get Dental Treatment Due To The Fear Of Pain

24th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Proper dental care is disregarded by fifty one percent of the population because of the fear of pain. They do not enjoy the service but eighty percent of those who visit their dentists know how important it is to do so. As aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry that needs no drilling becomes more commonplace, people may be able to change their mindsets. Increasing the popularity of this kind of service was inevitable as dentists gave people a new smile on life. Continue reading Read More

Take Care Of Your Child’s Smile By Taking Care Of Your Child’s Teeth

17th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The importance of a child’s smile cannot be overemphasized. Misshapen, rotting or chipped teeth can effortlessly impact a child’s self-esteem and confidence levels, both of which are so crucial in our present society. Continue reading Read More

Dental Implants – What Are They?

30th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dental implants are one of the more prevalent options today for replacing missing teeth. Preserving the jawbone is one of the important functions of implants, which look and feel like real teeth. While the initial cost may be higher than other methods of tooth replacement, the permanency can make implants a better value in the long run. To know if implants are the best treatment for you, here are the top five incentives you’ll enjoy if you proceed with having dental implants. Continue reading Read More

Color Your Teeth By Adding Colour To Your Braces

26th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People who are having orthodontic work done are able to still look fashionable with the array of colors they can choose from for their mouth. Colors comprise of soft pastels that match with apparel and festive colors for voicing your school spirit or the holiday celebrations. As a rule, these colours are shown on elastic ties that connect the wires onto the brackets. Continue reading Read More

Sugar, Not Refined Foods Or Starches Source Of Cavities In Western Societies

10th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A TV commercial showing a child who boasts about having only one cavity reveals to us the sad state of the nation’s dental health. Upon reaching the age of 21, the child’s boast of one cavity will not mean a thing because he will have had much more by then. Continue reading Read More

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