Financially Burdened Patients Avail Of Low Cost Dental Treatment

12th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With a big smile on her face, a young black haired woman sat by herself in the small waiting room of the dental clinic. On the only dental chair of the clinic sat a middle aged woman who was currently having her teeth checked by the dentist. She thought that without the clinic’s low cost services she couldn’t afford dental care at all. Continue reading Read More

Dental Implants Brought Smiles But Not For Anyone

2nd October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With the high rate of dental decay and gum disease over the past years, there is a significant number of people who are completely or partially without teeth. Oral prosthetic devices play a huge role in maintaining the function and appearance.Most people are not able to see these prostheses as a great substitute to real teeth as they are often ill fitting and uncomfortable. Now in the hopes of finding a remedy for their dentally crippled situation, they would go from one dentist to the next. Continue reading Read More

Family Dental Care Strongly Believes In Preventive Dental Care

28th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Summer vacation means that kids can eat as much junk food as they possibly can, and have toothaches to show for it. There is a new location for families seeking professional dental care. Husband and wife dental specialists operate this family owned professional practice. The husband served in the US Army Dental Corps for about six years while his wife became a dental hygienist. Both were stationed in Europe, and Cindy’s work encompassed her helping to initiate a public dental health program in the northern region of Europe, where they were based. Continue reading Read More

How Much Do You Know About Your Teeth?

25th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We all have them, at some stage in our lives, south of the nose and north of the chin, yet, how much do you know about your teeth? Some answers on common teeth questions will be discussed here. Different functions come with different kinds of teeth. Your front teeth are also known as incisors.In shoveling food in, these incisors which are the sharpest, help. What you find near the corner of your mouth are what you call canine teeth. These function well in tearing and grasping food and their distinct characteristic are their long roots. Premolars are the ones situated behind the canines and the ones that crush food with their flat surfaces. In contrast to premolars, the molars have bigger and flatter surfaces and sizes than them. Food is broken down into small portions courtesy of these. Continue reading Read More

People Fail To Get Dental Treatment Due To The Fear Of Pain

24th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Proper dental care is disregarded by fifty one percent of the population because of the fear of pain. They do not enjoy the service but eighty percent of those who visit their dentists know how important it is to do so. As aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry that needs no drilling becomes more commonplace, people may be able to change their mindsets. Increasing the popularity of this kind of service was inevitable as dentists gave people a new smile on life. Continue reading Read More

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