The Most Important Lesson for New Managers: Effective Communication

27th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Whether you have just been hired to your first managerial position or you have years of experience up your sleeve and recently went a step up the corporate ladder, it is very important that you spend time thinking about your plan for success. You may not be aware of it, but managing people is one of the hardest part of your job. So, the efforts that you put as you start your new role will spell the fate of your career. Continue reading Read More

How to Master the Art of Communication

13th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The majority of people – due to their very nature, have a fascination with the sound of their own voice – which usually seems to manifests itself in a compulsion to keep on talking. However, there is a great deal of difference between speaking and communicating, with the latter requiring considerable application of effort. People with inherently good communication skills, or individuals who have extensive management training experience, know what to say at exactly the right time, at what place and to whom. Even more importantly, they usually understand when not to say anything at all, and simply listen. There are certain key characteristics that depict whether a person is a good communicator or not – one of them is being a good listener. You may be able to easily communicate your ideas and various points of view to others fairly clearly, but when it comes to listening to most people, you find that you’re an absolute failure. In the majority of people, the quality of their listening ability is directly related to their understanding of what’s being said, and with the constantly evolving environment in business today, exceptional listening skills have become a vital attribute for achieving any degree of success. Continue reading Read More