Valuable Tips On The Incredible Benefits Of Effective Time Management

8th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In one way or the other, we’re all used to working with a limited set of resources. For example, many of us have a restriction when it comes to the amount of money available, yet through experience and by learning the hard way, we all learn to live on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis within our respective means. It is very unfortunate that in almost everything we do, we attach a financial value to it and as such we view individual products, services or anything else that may be of interest to us by comparing it to the resources we would have to allocate in order to be able to afford it. It is ironic that we live our lives as such, because we then overlook and risk wasting an even more valuable resource and one that we don’t apply any value calculation to necessarily – time. Whether or not our careers or work environments require us to be productive according to strict time measurements, we could all benefit from a closer adherence to standards and an understanding of what time management is really about. Continue reading Read More

Essential Ideas For Conquering The Five Surprising Time Management Myths

25th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acclaimed author Stephen Covey told us that one of the seven habits of highly effective people is the ability to manage time correctly. No wonder there are so many misconceptions associated with time management as we all tend to look at the problem from different points of view. Some of the myths associated with time management are: Continue reading Read More

Helpful Points For Avoiding Burnout By Managing Your Time Effectively

14th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Burnout is not something that we hear a lot about and is often associated with high-powered executives or those in seriously stressful occupations. However, all of us are vulnerable to suffering from this condition if we’re not careful, regardless of what occupation or position we have. While some people may be way more susceptible to burnout than others, if you approach your daily activities in a “happy-go-lucky” way, not really focused at all, then you could wind up in this position yourself. Continue reading Read More