Causes For Chronic Fatigue

11th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have your muscles and joints been aching lately? Do you feel exhausted very often? Most of the time, these signs are a result of sleeping too much or simply being lazy. However, there may be a new reason behind them; chronic fatigue syndrome. Eventhough this may not be common, most people suffer from this after having fallen sick due to a viral flu. Other signs of this includes headaches, forgetfulness and sore throats. Continue reading Read More

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cause

8th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many theories regarding chronic fatigue syndrome cause. However even after considerable debate and research only a slight amount of information is known of the subject and the previous idea of a viral infection causing chronic fatigue syndrome is not accepted anymore.The fact of having no standard test to diagnose the disorder reveals how little is known on the topic. Research is continuing however, and some are optimistic about a potential breakthrough on the subject though others are not so confident. Continue reading Read More