Fundamental Symptoms of Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Suggestions To Overcome It Without Having Surgery

7th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Hundreds of thousands of patients across the country are afflicted by bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome every year. The truly sad thing about this situation is that most do not actually realize they have got it. These people write off the odd tingling feelings in their fingers or palms as poor blood circulation, nerve twinges, or physical weakness. Continue reading Read More

Signs Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Its Causes And Tips To Avoid It

25th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How is carpel tunnel caused? Basically, it is when stress is put on a region in the wrist called the median nerve. This is a general affliction amongst young and old across the country which is commonly a result of work associated labor, though it can be inheritance as well. Do you feel sensations of prickling, numbness, or discomfort in your thumb, forefinger, midst finger, or ring finger? Do you have sudden pain in your lower arm? If this seems like you, you might be struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome. Continue reading Read More