Checklist Of Key First Aid Bag Items

17th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Every Athletic Trainer carries a bag with him or her in the event that an athlete is in need of first aid treatment. Each and every certified Athletic Trainer is familiar withcardiac science and consequently the kit must contain the necessaryCPR supplies . Their bag will also contain items necessary to treat an on the field injury, such as a broken bone or a concussion. Splints, bandages, and ice packs are sure to be in every bag. While you might not have the skills or certifications that an Athletic Trainer has, and would never attempt complex life saving procedures, administering basic first aid, whether at home, your neighborhood football game, the playground, or around the office is something you can do. Helping out with the most basic first aid procedures is something every mom, dad, co-worker, or spectator can do. It is simply a matter of having the right tools available. Every office, car, home, and school sporting event should have first aid kits available in case they are needed. First aid kits vary in materials, depending on who the kit is primarily going to be used by. Professionals often have kits with extensive materials covering a variety of emergencies. For example, a first respondents kit may contain materials that a home first aid kit would never need. There are a few items, however, which are universally recommended for all first aid kits. The following is a list of common first aid items which you may consider including in your assembled first aid kits. Continue reading Read More