The Key Benefits Of Using Cake Boxes

24th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are a number of things that need to be thought through whenever a person decides to buy products like cake boxes. The need for this information is more important if a person is buying in wholesale. There is a very big difference between the buyers who research on their product and those who do not. With the internet, it becomes easy for someone to obtain information. The internet is also a source of contacts for those people looking for suppliers. Continue reading Read More

Cake Boxes Taking New Proportions To Cake Gifts

21st February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is documented evidence of cake boxes for sale in London in the early eighteen hundreds. In the East, the art of making boxes for giving little cakes on festival days has been practiced for centuries. Lids with delicate filigree cutouts, lacquered papier-mache or hand-made paper folded into shapes these boxes were exquisite and samples can be seen in museums. Continue reading Read More

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