Building Muscle Mass Fast Is An Easy Target to Achieve

16th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you heard that building muscle fast comes from a surplus of calories? You can overeat your way to adding body weight, but a large percentage of that mass will be body fat. Trust me – if your overeating, those scales are NOT your friend! Gaining weight quickly is easy and not impressive, gaining muscle fast is a whole different animal. Countless people add body weight to find out too late that much of that weight is fat. Instead, here’s a plan for you, without gaining the undesired bodyfat, for building muscle fast. Continue reading Read More

Building Muscle Fast Is An Easy Target to Achieve

24th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You can’t overeat your way to building muscle fast. Well DON’T believe it! The only thing eating in excess does is make you FAT! Those pounds on your bathroom scale are deceiving. Gaining weight quickly is easy and not impressive, gaining muscle fast is a whole different animal. Just look at the climbing obesity rate in America. Can you HONESTLY tell yourself that eating is going to help with building muscle fast? Although nutrition is still important, the MOST ESSENTIAL part of building muscle fast, without the extra bodyfat, is in the TRAINING! Continue reading Read More