Binaural — What Is The Secret Of Binaural?

28th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The easiest way to explain the word Binaural is having or relating to two ears. Along with frequency cues, combined with Binaural hearing, lets humans determine the origin of sounds direction. Basically if we did not use stereo, like the Binaural Beat effect, we would keep bumping into things. Continue reading Read More

Binaural — For The Beating To Be Heard The Frequency Of The Tones Must Be Below About 1,000 To 1,500 Hertz.

6th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Binaural beats when applied to recordings alter your brainwaves. Try binaural beats which you can get on cds, mp3s, and easily enter states of creativity, relaxation, and increased energy. They can be created to reproduce several different frequencies like alpha, beta, and tetra. Continue reading Read More