Get Rid of Asian Flush and Enjoy More Benefits

22nd November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The term Asian flush or alcohol red face may be unfamiliar to you. It is what you suffer from if you are allergic to alcoholic drinks. Whenever there are events where drinks are served, you would most likely simply beg off from drinking. This is indeed the best way to avoid the discomfort of the condition but it may not be the best decision to do so. There are better reasons to deal with the condition than to say no to drinking. Continue reading Read More

Is There a Solution For Asian Flush?

13th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It can be quite discouraging to have the condition known as Asian flush, Asian glow or alcohol red face. Anyone who has it suffers from skin reddening, rashes and a host of other symptoms after drinking a few glasses of alcohol. If you suffer from this condition too, you would want to get rid of it. What solutions are there for you? Continue reading Read More