How Does Something Like The Absonic Belt Work

29th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Not everyone knows what the various type of EMS machines are able to accomplish. It is easy to say that there is a difference between the different devices because of their different names like the Absonic Belt, but exactly what the differences are need to be defined because there are two types of EMS devices known as TENS and Russian Muscle Stimulation and different devices can do different things such as stimulate sensory nerve endings rather than just muscles. Continue reading Read More

Why Ab Machines Like the Absonic Belt Can’t Do it Alone

27th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are lots of pieces of fitness equipment that promise to help a person get a flatter stomach. When seeing these advertisements we a re given images of someone who already has a great set of abs. Because the infomercial is psychologically placing the idea in your head that if you buy a machine like the Absonic Belt and use it, you will look like the people demonstrating the machine, they won’t show a full figured person working the machine. Commercials are designed to give people positive information and they will flood you with a lot of facts that make these devices seem like they can do anything for you. {I don’t doubt that these people lost weight using ab machines.|It is possible that their bodies were a result of one of these devices.|The flat stomach is something that could be because they found the right piece of equipment for them.|There is lots of documentation supporting them. I do believe that they did not just use one of these devices, but rather did a complete fitness plan to get the results. They probably engaged in other routines like running and cardiovascular exercises. They also probably made the right choices in their diet.Ab machines will build muscle in the abdominal area, and they are great for burning calories. But this doesn’t mean that you can eat anything you want, as much as you want, anytime you want. There is no substitute for eating right and exercising. That is the proven way to get fit.It’s true that ab equipment can cause muscle to amass in the midsection. If you do not eat right you will not lose the flab. That is not the look most people are going for. If you have some trouble spots on your body that you need to fix it is better to commit yourself to a good overall fitness routine. This can be done instead of turning to one of these miracle machines or fad diets while you are trying to reach your goal of losing weight fast if you want a fit and trim body that will stay that way..In order to reach the goal of a flat stomach, a person will have to workout regularly. There is something else that you will also have to do. A person must follow a healthy diet.When someone is sleeping they are not using up any of the energy they have taken in so it is important to limit your caloric intake when you are getting ready to sleep at night. Research has shown many times over that the best way to diet is to eat several meals throughout the day rather than a big meal in the evening. Your body is most effective at burning the calories when you follow a plan in this way.Do not include food items that contain a lot of calories. You should avoid include anything fried, along with carbonated drinks, and sweets. There are plenty of healthy snacks that are easy for a person to eat. A person who does this will feel stronger and they will lose their fat when they can accomplish this.There is a place in a healthy lifestyle for utilizing ab equipment like the Absonic Belt and exercising abs, but folks shouldn’t get lofty ideas about the results because if a person really wants to trim their waistline, they need to know that though you do need to exercise all major muscles once in a while. A person will not find themselves losing the weight they want to if they buy one of these pieces of equipment. The best way to fight the bulge around your stomach is through the commitment to a total fitness routine. A person has not made a major mistake if they went out and bought an ab machine. Any exercise equipment that is used will help as long as you commit to the total package. Do not expect the machine to do the work for you. The real truth behind a six pack abs is that a person must put forth an effort. It has been proven over time. Continue reading Read More

What Do I Need To Know About A Device Like The Absonic Belt

14th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Products that use electronic muscle stimulation, or EMS for short, like the Absonic Belt have become hugely popular in recent years as these items are being used by people who are slightly overweight and want to slim down. Another popular reason for this type of equipment is to build stronger stomach muscles. People are drawn to these machines because they can help the get rid of the belly bulge. These devices do not interfere with the other things that a person has to do and can be worn indiscreetly.An ems machine that is wrapped around the midsection will help tighten the area. Many of these devices will not be seen by anyone. You can go about your normal routine while having one of these machines on. Many sports professionals have started using EMS to tone the muscles. The devices are one way for a person to workout a muscle group that otherwise could not be worked out due to some type of injury. Because athletes have shown the effectiveness in this way, it means that the equipment can provide a person some help. The idea behind these types of devices is that they simulate a person moving around by using electricity to stimulate the muscles. The impulses are generated by an electronic device and delivered through terminals or electrodes to the skin, directly on the muscles to be stimulated. Before long, the machine becomes another piece of forgotten exercise equipment even though it seemed like a good idea at the time. And a person will find themselves still searching for an easy way to get rid of the bulge that is still around their belly.If someone uses these devices properly and for a long enough period of time they will have an effect. In the end thought that effect is minimal and a person can achieve better results through other methods. If someone is hurt and cannot do the exercise the way that they are supposed to, they can turn to this type of equipment to help them recover enough to begin their regular workouts again. In the time it takes to set up one of these products, the average person could easily perform several sets of exercises on the living room floor. This would probably provide far better results.Many people have made the mistake of assuming that electronic muscle stimulation will meet their goal of losing weight fast and will give them the body of their dreams while sitting on the sofa watching their favorite television show. This is wishful thinking and exaggerates the effectiveness of these products. There is some benefit from the EMS machines but if a person has a goal of six pack abs they need to include the proper diet with a proper workout and the machine to achieve their goals. You simply cannot get a trim and fit body without putting in the effort.Despite the desire there is no fast way to the perfect body. It requires time and effort even if a person uses a machine like the Absonic Belt, they still must monitor the food they take in and the amount of physical activity that they get on a regular basis. But if a person is able to get the exercise and watch what they eat, there is hope. Using something like the absonic belt will help a person when they are not able to help themselves. You can sit on your recliner in front of the TV and get in your daily exercise. But do not expect miracles from these machines. Continue reading Read More

Can The Absonic Belt Strengthen Your Abs

7th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Bateery powered belts that fit around your waist are very common. The big questions is can they do what they say? In order to understand whether they can do as they claim or not, it is important to know where they came from in the first place.The origin of these devices is necessary for someone to know what they can and can not do.} The first use of these devices was for helping rehabilitate some injuries. They first found use in the medical field when they were used for people who suffered muscle or bone injuries. If a person was injured in such a way that they could not move the bone or muscle they could turn to these devices to keep them moving. The electricity would cause your muscles to work even if they were covered with a cast due to an accident. This would provide a minimum level of stimulation, thus keeping the muscle active. As far as building muscle, such as the ads like the ones for the Absonic Belt on TV claim, this is not backed up by research because the level of electrical stimulation necessary to build up the abdominal muscles to what you see on TV would be extremely high, and thus very painful. It is not unheard of that people will try to use a machine to get rid of the meat that is growing around their midsection. In reality, the small muscle contractions produced by these belts burn about as many calories as the effort required to take the belt out of the box and put the batteries in. If you read the fine print in these ads, you will also notice that the instructions for use also include a suggested exercise and nutrition plan. If a person follows that suggestion than they will get a fit and trim body. If a person has a goal of losing weight fast then they need to do more than just strap a machine around their waist and although they might receive some benefits from using one of these machines they must commit themselves to a total fitness program to achieve the goals they want.How come there are so many absonic belt reviews that claim the machine was able to produce miracles. The bottom line is that there is a little bit of a workout provided when the machine is worn. When a person’s abs are totally lacking any form of stimulation, any amount of stimulation has the potential to produce results. It is simply a matter of something is better than nothing. But it is not that much better. A much better solution for working your abdominal muscles effectively is to do the unglamorous crunch exercise. It may not send electric shocks into your guts but it will get the job done. Crunches, even done properly and regularly, won’t burn fat but they will definitely tighten up your abs. Should a person invest anything in one of the devices? The reality is that the ads are slickly produced to make them seem incredible. They are making pie in the sky promises that are designed to sell the product. Do not be fooled by the hype. If you want to spend your money on a machine like the Absonic Belt, then do so with your eyes wide open and do not expect to achieve great results without putting in any other effort into modifying the way that you live. In order to get a great body and keep it that way a person needs to get rid of the bad habits that they have. It is the things that we did that created the problem to begin with. If a person does not want their weight to stay out of control, they must lead a lifestyle that is conducive to staying healthy. There is no machine that can change that. Continue reading Read More

An Absonic Belt Review

1st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The most hyped piece of exercise equipment on the planet is the ab machine. The search for the washboard look many people are after is just a phone call away if you believe what you see.Everybody wants to know if the machines like the Absonic Belt work as advertised, or are we all living in a fool’s paradise, hoping to get six pack abs without putting in any effort? There are a few things a person can do to determine if an ab machine will work.To be effective, an ab machine must do the following things. It must target the ab muscles. It should be comfortable and adjustable to fit your body.|It needs to provide a full range of motion for stimulation. It must not make any false promises. It has to be cost effective.Does the absonic belt exercises do these things? Before we dive into the rest of the ab machine guide, there is one crucial function a machine such as the Absonic Belt must perform, or you can take the rest of this guide and chuck it out what a machine must do if it is to effectively target all of your ab muscles and oblique muscles before you look at anything else that the machine promises to do. A device that is used to train just one set of your muscles around your midsection is not as good as one that can train multiple muscle areas. Anytime you workout, balance is the key to getting the best results and this is true when you are looking for something that will try to flatten your stomach as well. Absonic belt reviews say tell that the machine is capable of doing this for its users. You can skip any device that does not workout the entire area around your midsection.A good product is one that will be able to fit any user well and one that does not cause any discomfort while in use which is something else a person should consider. A good machine that takes care of both of these points is the absonic electronic belt. Some ab devices cannot make this claim.No matter how effectively an ab machine targets your abs, if it kills your back when you use it, you’re dead in the water and a good ab machine will fit your body type and strength levels, not lead you to a higher risk of strain or injury which would stop you from performing the exercise you need to help you losing weight fast.Inspect the product before you buy it and watch how it works for people of various sizes. You can keep searching for a machine if the one you are looking at requires more flexibility than most gymnasts have.You should not look further into a product to see if it will provide an effective workout until you can determine that it will be comfortable and will train the whole area you want.Getting a full range of motion means going from a full stretch to full contraction. Full range of motion machines are able to accomplish this goal. If the machine you’re considering does not have a full range of motion, or you can’t determine if it does, you’re wasting your money and need to look elsewhere.An ab machine like the Absonic Belt can be very effective for a person who wants to look fit and trim but before buying any machine a person needs to do their homework to make sure they get something that will fit their lifestyle. Buying a great ab machine is only half the battle, the second part is to give it the proper effort and watch you body change. Continue reading Read More

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