How Do You Get Over An Anxiety Attack? Find The Answer To Your Question Here

30th November, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you’re trying to find the answer to the question, “how do you get over an anxiety attack,” you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 1 in 75 individuals will suffer with some degree of anxiety attacks in their lifetime, ranging from very mild attacks to very severe attacks.

If you’re searching for a solution, though, I’m guessing you’re in the group that experiences symptoms that are serious enough to interfere with your life to some degree. This article was written with you in mind – it will cover some basic information about anxiety attacks as well as the best treatment I’ve discovered for this condition.

Ultimately, an anxiety attack is a fear-based condition. What I mean by that statement is that you start to fear experiencing an anxiety attack again, and this fear is actually what brings the symptoms on.

In most cases an anxiety attack will occur at the worst times, and it’s usually because you start to think about what could happen if you had an attack in that environment.

For example, you may be in the grocery store shopping, and start to think about what would happen if an anxiety attack struck you right there in the store. How embarrassing would it be? Would this be the one that finally leads to your death? What if you can’t find a way out of the store quick enough?

These fears start a chain reaction within your body called the Fight or Flight response. Basically, your body perceives the potential anxiety attack as a threat, and it gears itself up to fight it. So, things will start to change inside the body.

Your blood pressure and heart rate will increase (which is why you may have a sensation like your heart is beating very fast, or it may even feel as though your heart is skipping beats), you may start to feel nauseous because of the adrenaline being pumped through your system, you may feel light headed with the extra blood being pumped to your brain, maybe even a bit faint.

So, how do you treat an anxiety attack? Many would tell you that the solution is therapy, breathing exercises, yoga, or even medications. Although these treatments may work for some, they are usually very slow at providing results, and medications can have some very serious side effects, including addiction.

As a physician who has worked with many individuals who suffer with anxiety attacks, I can tell you from experience that the best way to treat it is actually using a simple technique called the “One Move Technique.”

This is a method that you are able to do on your own, without having to go through extensive therapy or use medications, and it will help you eliminate the symptoms of an anxiety attack very quickly.

If you’d like to learn more about the One Move Technique, click the following link (what do you do with an anxiety attack).

Posted on: November 30, 2009

Filed under: Obesity

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