A Brief Look into the Adverse Result of Obesity

25th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Decades of research and medical expertise have shown how much obesity is damaging to health. The annual cost is many tens of billions of dollars in the US for all the similar problems related to obesity. What appears contradictory is the billions which are also used on fat loss products on a yearly basis. The US continues to be slowly putting on more weight with each passing year, or so it appears. What is additionally perfectly known are the many unhealthy foods and beverages so many people consume. There is undoubtedly no secret that so many foods consist of high sugar and fat content. We only have space for several of the dangers due to obesity. More men and women are starting up a raw food diet to shed excess weight. This can also be a easy way to beat leaky gut.

One of the most serious effects of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and a lot more new instances appear each year. What is becoming even more alarming is the soaring incidence of this condition in younger people who are also significantly overweight. The role of obesity in this affliction is to produce greater resistance to the hormone, insulin. The problem is made much worse with daily consumption of too much amounts of sugar containing goods. One very detrimental ingredient used in countless soft drinks is high fructose corn syrup. There is merely no comparison between high fructose corn syrup and processed sugar.

Premature problems affecting joints are frequently a side effect of the obese state. The principal parts are the weight supporting joints such as hips, knees and ankles. Osteoarthritis is frequently seen in these circumstances as well as a result of joint damage. Patients with overwhelming weight problems do not always make for the best candidates for artificial joints. While huge numbers of people get joint replacements, there is a greater chance for good results with normal weight conditions. But for individuals who could reap the benefits of it yet are obese, this is not always encouraged. At the very least it can be a risky treatment because the heavy weight on the artificial joint can cause complications. The joint that had been replaced may begin to be mechanically unsound that is certainly highly undesireable.

High blood pressure is a common occurance among those who are obese. It would seem that almost every major function by the body processes is challenged. The basis for this as it relates to the heart is the excess fat tissue still needs blood for nutrition and oxygen. It all leads back to the heart certainly because that is what moves the blood. Not surprisingly, one’s heart must generate significant amounts of pressure to keep all that tissue oxygenated. Another typical effect is a chronically greater heart rate due to the higher workload required.

Obesity places the entire body in a dangerous state for a wide variety of health conditions. But our conversation here today is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all that is possible.

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Posted on: April 25, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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