Effective Weight Loss Requires These Two Valuable Keys

16th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Weight loss is a gigantic money making venture in America. Chances are you are adding a lot of fat and you do not like it. You’ve tried several diets and brought fat loss capsules but have not seen a difference. You have tried exercise. And you’re still gaining weight.

Somewhere there’s a key to losing weight, however you just have not discovered it yet. You wish to feel good and look good. But, the reality of the situation becomes all too apparent when you look in the mirror and see all of the ugly bulges and squeeze your love handles. And, maybe you are beginning to really feel a little too heavy around your belly.

Surprisingly, there actually are simple keys to dropping those added pounds and remaining slim and trim. So, should you actually wish to make the modifications essential to look fit and trim, listed below are the keys.

Key Number One: Stop eating fast food and manufactured foods. Lots of money has gone into designing these foods to taste good and keep you eating more and more. Huge corporations are concerned with making profits, not in offering nutritious foods that promote healthiness. Do not think that just because the ingredients in fast food or manufactured food are legal that it’s healthful.

An alternative to fast food and manufactured food is clearly natural, unadulterated foods.

When you go to the grocery store, shop around the periphery where the fruits, veggies, dairy products and meats are. Don’t wander up and down the isles where packaged manufactured foods with plenty of high fructose corn syrup and other unnatural substances are displayed.

Key number Two: Combine interval and resistance training. If you are tired of walking miles on a treadmill with little to show for it, you can stop now. There is a reason you have not made progress.

Jogging a mile on a treadmill will expend about one hundred twenty calories or so. Let’s say you jog three miles a day, three times a week. Jogging expends about 1080 calories a week. You’re thinking you worked really intensely doing all that jogging and this actually burns plenty of fat.

But, here is a vital fact you should know. A pound of muscle burns between 35 and 50 calories a day even without being exercised. If you use your muscles at all, even more is burned.

Now suppose instead of jogging you did some resistance training to firm up and build a little muscle mass. After a while you could add around 10 pounds of lean muscle mass. Each day your new muscle mass would burn between 350 and 500 calories, even without being used. So, let’s say they burned up 400 calories a day. Over a week your new muscle mass will burn 2800 calories.

Hold on there. Adding 10 pounds of lean muscle mass has more than twice the effect of all that jogging. You’re beginning to grasp the value of some resistance training.

Not only that, but interval training is a lot more effective than simple cardio training. Interval training entails bursts of hard, vigorous cardio with shorter, less strenuous recovery periods. Interval training really revs up the calorie burning.

Now, combine some interval training with resistance (muscle building) training and you are really burning calories.

Using these two keys of eating healthy foods and exercising right for successful weight loss will assist you to drop some weight, keep it off, look good and really feel great.

Isn’t it time you started to burn the fat and feed the muscle? Why don’t you start today so you will feel in good health tomorrow?

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