Treatments that Help You Find Relief From Kidney Stones

9th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Kidney stones can be one of the most painful conditions to suffer from, so it’s essential to find the right treatment. If someone is experiencing severe pain, medical help should be sought, as in some cases surgery is required. While it can take some time, most of the time you can dissolve or pass kidney stones on your own. Let’s look at some treatments for kidney stones that your doctor might suggest, as well as some alternative remedies you can try on your own. Health ailments just like kidney stones and leaky gut is usually eliminated if you look after oneself.

There are certain medical procedures that can help if your kidney stones are extremely large or painful. Ureteroscopy is a type of surgery in which a thin tube is inserted into the urinary tract so the kidney stones can be broken up or removed. Another option available to you is ESWL which uses shock waves to break up the kidney stones. In cases where the stones are too large to remove by any other means, open surgery may be recommended. This is an operation where the surgeon makes an incision in your side so that the stone can be removed.

These procedures only get used when the stones are too large for them to pass on their own. They may also be recommended if you have an infection that can cause serious complications if the stones are left alone.

Evidence suggests that vegetarians suffer less from kidney stones than meat eaters.

While this is not something all experts agree with, it is true that if you have kidney stones it’s a good idea to cut back on meat and other animal protein. For one thing, these foods can cause a buildup of uric acid that forms kidney stones. You need to watch your intake of any kind of protein if you have any kidney ailments, including kidney stones. Avoid a high protein diet if you have kidney stones because this can aggravate the problem and make it harder to get rid of them, but remember your body needs a certain amount of protein.

You can also try certain types of bodywork to help treat kidney stones. Acupuncture can help relieve the pain of kidney stones, and, if the stones aren’t so large that they require surgical removal, may even help in passing them more quickly. Practitioners of Chinese medicine may also recommend that you use certain herbs in addition to acupuncture. You may find it helpful to treat your kidney stones with reflexology which is a type of bodywork that uses acupuncture points without needles. You can try other types of bodywork and massage to help you relax, reduce stress, and control the symptoms of kidney stones.

In summary, if you have kidney stones, it’s important to choose the right treatment. Your doctor will advise you as to whether you need any kind of surgery or medication, but you can often successfully pass kidney stones by using natural methods. This has been a look at some of the ways kidney stones can be treated but you should also learn what changes you can make to reduce the likelihood of this condition recurring.

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Posted on: April 9, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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