Oral Herpes- Myths And Facts

9th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is a ton of good and not so good information being written about Oral Herpes also known as Cold Sores,Fever Blisters and even the kissing disease.
Plenty of what you’ve read is probably accurate some not so much. So what’s the actual story?

This is often a short list of the most preferred misconceptions about oral herpes to set the record straight.


1. Sores only appear on your lips. Not accurate. They can happen on the nose, nostrils, cheek or chin as well as on the roof of your mouth
2. Cold Sores and Canker sores are the same. Once more not so. Canker sores are not caused by the herpes virus
3. By the time the blisters appear you aren’t contagious. A massive not so! The liquid in those blisters literally contains millions of virus particles waiting to obtain out.


1. Oral Herpes is contagious. The HSV 1 virus is extremely contagious and could be passed by any type of skin to skin contact.
2. A healthy immune system helps decrease outbreaks. The stronger your immune system is by maintaining a proper diet the less complicated it truly is to fight off an attack.
3. Herpes Simplex Virus is frequent. True-It is estimated that 80% of the American population has been exposed to (HSV 1)

One area that is typically not addressed when discussing the effects of this virus particularly during an outbreak is the amount of mental tension and social embarrassment that it can trigger.

As a result of the embarrassment of showing up at work and having to deal with your co-workers seeing those nasty blisters many people wind up taking some sick days to obtain past the worst stages. Some even miss family members functions so they don’t have to deal with the stigma of having the virus.

Don’t forget you’re not alone. Statistically a staggering “16” out of “20” people today are carrying the virus. Chances are that many are your pals, family members members and colleagues.

There are numerous cold sore treatments being touted lately. They cover prescription and non-prescription remedies so take your time and find one that is right for the aggressiveness of the virus you are dealing with.

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