Here’s Why Snorers Must Try a Snoring Jaw Supporter and Get a Restful Night’s Sleep

6th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are one of the many people who snore with their mouth open, a snoring jaw supporter can be a very effective solution. The jaw supporter is a piece of elastic that fits over your head and under your jaw to keep it in the proper place and keep your mouth closed. The simple jaw supporter solves both major problems of most snorers.

You may just be pleasantly surprised with the sound sleep you got when you wake up in the morning once you’ve used the jaw supporter for the first time. Not only will you sleep more soundly. Anybody attempting to sleep near you will also be able to enjoy a peaceful rest.

Exactly why does the snoring jaw supporter work so well?

When your mouth is open, your jaw is able to slide slightly backward, restricting the air flow in the throat. If you have a weight problem there will likely be some softness affecting your throat tissues and the rapid air flow through the restricted airway will cause these tissues to vibrate, making the snoring racket. The restricted air flow causes the air to move faster through your throat, making the fleshy parts of your throat to vibrate.

The goal is to keep the jaw in the correct position in order not to restrict your airway. This means your jaw must not be allowed to drift backward, cutting off the airway. When your mouth is closed and your top and bottom teeth are meshing together, you jaw is able to stay put in its accustomed place.

The elastic jaw supporter slips over the top of your head and beneath your jaw to keep your jaw in the correct position. This accomplishes the goals of keeping your mouth closed and your jaw in its correct position. For most people, this eliminates nightly snoring. You and everyone around you will be able to enjoy a relaxing nights sleep. You’ll wake up energized and refreshed, perhaps for the first time in years.

The anti-snoring jaw supporter also works together with other appliances. For example, some people use both an anti-snoring pillow as well as jaw support to be doubly sure they get a good nights rest. Some people who use the CPAP mask also make use of jaw support to help ensure a peaceful rest.

Snoring doesn’t have to be a lifelong problem. By controlling the position of your jaw during sleep, it is possible to decrease almost all snoring. Since your jaw remains in the right position and your mouth is closed you will most certainly benefit from waking up with renewed energy in the mornings. So, test a snoring jaw supporter today. You will feel better in the morning.

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Posted on: April 6, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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