A Cheating Diet For Honest Dieters?

29th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Everybody knows that being a cheater is not good but do you know that there is one kind of thing that will make you a cheater and yet you will be more than happy that you are? Even your folks will surely be amazed and grateful that you are a cheater and you become the greatest loser because you just became a cheater. What is being talked around here is a “cheating diet“. Yes, that’s right, you can cheat your way to become thin again or stay in shape. This new diet system is actually created by Joel Marion who was once an obese person himself and he accidentally stumbled upon an idea that cheating your way to good health and becoming physically fit and not obese. Now, he wants to share to anyone this idea that it’s really good to cheat when it comes to dieting. Would you like to learn how?

Posted on: June 29, 2009

Filed under: Obesity

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