The Mystery of Migraine Headaches and Why They Happen

27th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Chances are excellent that you have gotten at least one headache in your life. But of course there are headaches, and then you’ll find migraine headaches that are different. Actually, I used to get migraines when I was very young but they ceased. I am so grateful they stopped because they were exceptionally painful. There is much to be figured out about migraines because they are not understood by researchers. There are many reasons for this not the least of which is people can respond to and feel pain in different ways. This is a tremendously intricate area, and this indicates doctors have a long way to go before a clear picture emerges. Migraines have not been connected to leaky gut syndrome and are sometimes a mystery.

As you can imagine, there is actually a great deal of information gathered over the years. For one thing, migraines are sometimes identified as, vascular headaches, which means the vascular system of blood veins as well as arteries. Evidently either very low or perhaps high temperatures may induce a migraine occurrence. Next there are people who can get this type of headache if they encounter substantial sleep loss or too much hunger. Just like with so many other medical issues, there are certain triggers that appear to influence this condition. Stress is a factor with many other men and women, and perhaps especially if it is prolonged stress.

There continues to be research regarding the special characteristics of migraines such as the fact they build up more gradually than other headaches. That suggests certain ramifications to doctors but nothing especially definitive. Every bit of information can give some kind of clue. Over half of people who get migraines seem to have close relatives who also have this problem which indicates a possible genetic influence. That can point to other likely causes such as external triggers that produce the same effect.

Shifts in the quantities of hormones can bring on these headaches in certain women. In fact, prevalence of migraines have been documented during the times just before or after the menstrual cycle takes place. It is acknowledged that estrogen decreases quite a bit during those periods of time. Further periods of hormone variations consist of menopause and certainly pregnancy. As perhaps expected, some women state greater tendencies to experience migraines throughout these periods, as well. There is an recognized practice called hormone replacement therapy which can generate more extreme migraines which is hard to imagine. But the thing that brings about some difficulty is that these observations are not universal; they do not occur for all women who experience migraines.

There is a wide variety of migraine inducers for example music that is too loud, or excessively bright lights, and even typical odors from chemicals and other day-to-day smells. It is distinct that the variety of migraine triggers is highly different. Still there are physical causes with some people such as rigorous physical exertion of pretty much any kind. All of that helps make unraveling the enigma of migraines a lot more difficult.

Physical fitness and health may help ease your migraines. Try running for beginners as a possible approach to ease stress.

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Posted on: March 27, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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