Treating Hemorrhoids At Home

21st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s bad enough that hemorrhoids are so painful, but they are also very embarrassing to discuss. Because hemorrhoids are very personal in nature, it’s hard to get the help you need to get better. Even going to the doctor can be embarrassing because you know that they will have to examine you, which can be awkward. While serious hemorrhoids should be seen by a doctor, you can learn how to get rid of hemorrhoids at home by following some simple steps. A hemorrhoids home treatment is sure to help you eliminate hemorrhoids forever.

Straining during bowel movements will both cause and maintain hemorrhoids. While it’s tempting at times, it’s better to wait and let nature take its course. That means, of course, planning some time to stay in the bathroom as long as necessary. Hemorrhoids are caused by straining which puts undue pressure on the blood vessels within the rectum. So, take your time and don’t try to rush things.

Another thing to remember is to avoid sitting on the toilet longer than necessary. You need to get up once you are finished using the restroom. Sitting on the toilet to read or talk on the phone will cause the blood vessels to expand eventually develop into painful hemorrhoids. Instead, take as long as necessary to actually go to the bathroom and then get up. Get up before trying to finish a phone conversation or chapter in your book. If you are hiding from your kids or your employer, don’t sit on the toilet, even if you stay in the bathroom.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by constipation. Your diet is very important in helping treat your hemorrhoids. You likely need more fiber in your diet. You can do this by eating more fruits and vegetables and also by taking fiber tablets or drink mix. The walls of the rectal muscles and veins will be strengthened by more fiber. It will also help your stools to be softer, making it easier to use the bathroom and reducing the need to strain or sit on the toilet for long periods of time.

Drinking more water can help you avoid constipation and also promote easier bowel movements. Water helps the body work more efficiently, including the passage for your stools. Drinking water is a sure-proof way to help heal your hemorrhoids.

It’s helpful to use a soft wipe after a bowel movement rather than rough, dry toilet paper which can aggravate the area even more. The area is already aggravated, so special care must be taken. You can keep soft wipes in your handbag or office desk to use as needed. There are also various creams that you can use to help the hemorrhoid to shrink or relieve the pain and itching that usually occur with hemorrhoids.

Losing weight is another method that might help treat your hemorrhoids. You put extra strain on the muscles and blood vessels within your rectum if you are overweight and sit most of the day. By losing weight, you will find that your digestion will improve, relieving some constipation and you wlil also relieve some of the pressure from your rectal area.

You can find relief from hemorrhoids by sitting in a warm bathtub for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. A sitz bath is another very effective way to help treat hemorrhoids. You need to fill the bowl with warm water, place it on the toilet seat and sit on it for fifteen to twenty minutes. Because external hemorrhoids are even more troublesome, the stiz bath can be very soothing and take down swelling.

Don’t ignore your hemorrhoids. They are not only painful but they can become larger and more painful, resulting in a serious medical condition. Rest assured that home treatments work for most people, so try it today and get on your way to becoming hemorrhoid-free!

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