TITLE: Almost All Vision Complaints Can Be Easily Treated To Help You See Well Again Don’t Postpone Visiting An Optician If You Suspect That You May Have Something Wrong

14th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you think that you are experiencing problems with your vision, then of course it is a logical idea to see an optician to get your eyes tested as most health problems that have an impact on the eyes are easily identifiable and can be treated pretty quickly. If you are unlucky enough to be diagnosed with one of the more complex problems then at least identifying the problem early on will give you the optimum chance of getting treatment and stopping the problem from deteriorating.

In many ways, it is strange that some of the most obvious eye complaints are those which do not need diagnosing by an optician, for example conjunctivitis, which looks and feels quite horrible but at the same time is usually cured without further trouble by a course of antibiotics given by a doctor.

It’s likely that the most obvious reason for people to go straight to an optician to get their eyes tested is when they notice that their eyes are not exactly focusing on items as well as they have in the past. Whilst there are obviously many youngsters who need glasses to sort out problems with their vision during childhood, if the problem persists into adulthood then there is the possibility to consider surgery rather than to continue to use corrective lenses. These days, the most common form of surgery is Laser eye surgery, a comparatively uncomplicated process which is usually extremely successful.

Unfortunately, for those of us who only have sight problems when we are more mature, Laser eye treatment is not really an option, as we do not technically experience long-sightedness or short-sightedness, but a condition called presbyopia, which is an age-related complaint and usually becomes obvious between the ages of 40 and 50. The effect of presbyopia is not dissimilar to being long-sighted as objects which are in close proximity to the eye become increasingly blurry. However, Laser eye surgery is unlikely to be an appropriate response as the problem that causes the blurred vision is not a fault with the cornea. However, the patient may also have some other sight problems, so an optician would have to look very closely at the overall health situation.

Medical science has yet to identify the precise cause of presbyopia, but it is understood that it could be affected by a loss of elasticity within the lens of the eye, or a loss of power within the muscles in the eye which prevents them from adjusting their focus correctly. Let us hope that sometime the cause can be pinpointed and that a similar form of Laser eye treatment can be formulated to help the many people who have this problem as they age.

Other eye conditions can have a far greater range of treatments recommended for them depending on the severity of the problem, the general health of the sufferer and other factors.

Glaucoma (in basic terms, a blockage which stops the eye disposing of excess fluids) can be treated by eye drops, beta blockers, Laser eye treatment or traditional surgery.

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