Colitis Causes Your Comprehensive Guide

1st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Gastrointestinal problems are among the most common medical conditions experienced by people today. a growing number of individuals are not minding their diet and result to different medical conditions with symptoms that can be a problem among individuals. An example of these conditions includes colitis which can also be presented through various symptoms.

colitis symptoms

Colitis is the condition where the colon is inflamed due to different causes. The causes can be classified in two ways in terms of where the cause came from. Here are the two classifications that will introduce the causes better to you.

External causes

Using the term, this implies that the main cause of the problem is something that’s not naturally occurring inside within the body. The basic things that can be obtained outside the body through food are bacteria. Once it started to be ingested inside the body, it will start to give its negative results symptoms. There are bacteria found inside the body as well. However, they are not harmful and in fact a great help them it comes to digestion and balancing intestinal health. The only problem is taking in contaminated foods with bacteria will be detrimental to the body. There are various ways how a food will get high bacteria from food preparation. These bacteria can be acquired through unhygienic kitchen like salmonella. In addition, foods that are not cooked properly will also be a good place for these bacteria to breed. After invasion, it will cause symptoms like diarrhea to a person.

Furthermore, external causes of colitis also include improper eating habits. Although they may not totally cause this problem, it can worsen its symptoms in the process.

colitis – Internal factors

From the term itself, it’s something that can be found inside the body or is a condition that occurs within the digestive tract. One of the common things that may happen is the lack of the right amount of blood supply on the colon. Remember that oxygen is very vital in completing various processes. And since blood is the carrier of oxygen, lesser supply will be given once there’s a shortage on the blood supply. This will result to inflammation and cause several symptoms to patient.

Aside from this, major inflammatory problems may also occur inside the colon. A classic example of this is ulcerative colitis. This condition will start to the lower colon part like rectum and start working its way up to the upper colon part like descending, transverse and ascending colon.

The high concentration of white blood cells on the walls of the colon is also an indication that an infection problem is occurring. Among all the cells found in the blood, the white blood cells are those with ability to fight back the bacteria causing infection for natural treatment.

There are lots of individuals who are suffering from colitis these days. By knowing the main causes and its nature, it’s possible for individuals to avoid them and start working towards their health in the process. It’s the right way to be free from this condition and its bothersome symptoms.

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Posted on: March 1, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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