Recognizing Kidney Problem Symptoms

1st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Some of the most serious kidney diseases ordinarily grow over a term of years. It mainly takes a long time for kidney problem symptoms to grow to the point where you understand that you have kidney trouble. But when blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged to a certain degree, the kidneys will not clean the blood as it should be. This causes abnormal kidney function and kidney failure could happen. Kidney failure is fatal without a kidney transplant or a lifetime undergoing dialysis. are overlooked, the kidneys could break down altogether, which is a life threatening medical emergency.

Generally speaking, these are the most likely kidney problem symptoms that will be seen when kidney function begins to lessen:

* urinary problems that could feel like a bladder infection: a burning sensation during urination, along with the feeling that you need to urinate over and over again and urgently, even though very little urine is produced,

* dark, cloudy or blood-tinged urine,

* swelling, especially in the feet,

* a higher than normal temeperature,

* lower back or flank pain, particularly if you also have kidney stones,

* exhaustion, lack of pep and muscle weakness,

* loss of hunger,

* memory troubles and an failure to think intelligibly.

Of course, some kidney problem symptoms are like other health conditions, so visit your physician for an proper diagnosis.

A condition known as nephrotoxicity occurs when the body is exposed to a poison or drugs that harm the kidneys. When kidney damage occurs, toxins and waste products build up in the blood. Blood electrolytes like potassium and magnesium are elevated, and creatinine in the blood will also be increased.

What causes kidney failure? Diabetes and hypertension are among the most hazardous reasons someone has kidney trouble. A lot of people understand they have these diseases but they may not know that they are at a much higher risk for kidney disease at the same time. Once again, kidney damage normally occurs progressively over years and in both kidneys. Because there are no plain symptoms of kidney problems in the beginning, you are not perceptive that it happens.

If you have diabetes, you can take steps to avert kidney failure by keeping your blood sugar in the range where it should be.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is also hazardous to the kidneys.. When you have high blood pressure, the kidneys do not filter fluids and toxins blood very productively, so maintaining healthy blood pressure levels are imperative for preventing kidney damage.

Most people don’t think about kidney problems until they have one. So it’s important to learn to recognize kidney problem symptoms so you can take quick action, with the help of your medical professional, if signs of kidney trouble begin to take place.

Are you searching for additional information on kidney problem signs? Click on Coping With a Kidney Problem.

Neal Kennedy is a retired radio and television talk show host with a special interest in fitness and medical topics.

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