A Medical Explanation To Weight Gain

16th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people struggle with their weight. When you want to know why a person has a problem, you do not typically have to look at many things. The most common cause is a person does not get enough physical activity and eats the wrong food. There are times that people struggle with their weight even with exercise and a proper diet. In cases like that it is important to consider the opinion of a physician to determine the cause of the weight issues. There are many medical reasons that can cause a person to gain weight. It is important to have a health professional look at other causes to the weight issues if a person wants to tackle them.

One of the causes of weight gain can be due to a thyroid condition and the symptoms of low thyroid condition include fatigue, lack of appetite, jaundice, depression, sore throat, dry skin, trouble concentrating and for mostly women hair loss and weight gain which all could be a sign of hyperthyroidism, (over active), and hypothyroidism, (under active).

A person who has an over active thyroid will display symptoms that are being caused by to much of the hormones that are produced. There are many reasons a person can suffer from an over active thyroid and some of the reasons have been linked to problems with a person’s immune system. Women between their twenties and thirties are mostly infected with hyperthyroidism.

The opposite of hyper is hypo and these people are do not have a strong enough production from their thyroid. Like an overactive thyroid, the under active thyroid is often the result of problems with a person’s immune system which can hurt the thyroids ability to work properly.

Problems with the thyroid are more common than someone might realize and this is important for a person who is suffering to understand. Countless number of people are dealing with this condition and still living normal lives. An under active or over active thyroid could be a sign that a person has other problems that work in combination with the thyroid and the hormones that they produce.

For that reason, it is essential to do something to help your thyroid. The types of treatments can vary and a person might try one or a combination of things that include prescription medicine, over the counter supplements, low thyroid diet pills, special diets to follow, or possible surgery, but the problem is that know two people can be treated exactly the same so it becomes more of a case of trial and error to find a combination and dosage of medicine that is effective for a specific individual.

Once a person becomes accustomed to the changes in lifestyle they must make, it becomes a part of their regular routine. How over active or under active a person’s thyroid is will vary over time. For that reason, a person will have to continually alter what they are doing to keep them feeling the way they should. A person will not find a cure to their condition. It is something that will have to be monitored on a regular basis. It is the only way for a person to stay healthy.

Immune disorders are more common than many people think. When you are suffering from one of these issues it does not mean you are a social pariah. There are plenty of people who know exactly what you are handling from their own perspective.

When something is wrong with the body it should not be ignored. Check with your physician if you have struggled with your weight despite the fact that you are doing the right things especially if you are female. It is not worth waiting and hoping that the issues will clear up on their own. A thyroid condition needs to be treated before a person has other problems. The only way to do that is with the help of a doctor.

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