How Your Body Is Affected By Your Thyroid

16th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are a lot of people who are not happy with the shape of their body. If a person has hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism it can be even more of a concern. The hormones that are produced in this gland can affect how much or little a person weighs. It can be the reason for unexplained pounds that a person has on their body. This is due to the fact that of the symptoms of low thyroid condition that is caused by the irregular activity of the thyroid which creates an imbalance in the secretion of the thyroid hormones that are necessary for metabolism and without a proper metabolic rate a person will struggle with both weight gain and weight loss until it is corrected.

When a person adds or drops a few pounds quickly without any explanation, thyroidism could be behind it. Lower levels of the thyroid hormones will lead to a lowered metabolic rate. A body that has a slower metabolism will not use energy very efficiently. If you burn fewer calories the body stores more fat. That means a person will pack on the pounds. The metabolism of an individual is even faster if a person is overproducing hormones due to the gland. The caloric output will be even higher in an individual. A person will use stored energy in the body. The results will also show on the scale.

Either way, a weight gain or loss that results from thyroid conditions is not healthy. Finding a treatment for an over active or under active thyroid is essential to a person’s health. For this to occur, a doctor should be involved. Checking with a doctor will allow an individual to determine a course of treatment for them.

The best way to maintain a healthy weight level for your body is to control the thyroid’s activity through constant monitoring and proper medications and while a doctor can help monitor a person’s thyroid levels regularly in order to make sure that they are getting the right dosage for your thyroid medicines the individual must also check their weight regularly and make sure they take all of their medicines, follow a proper diet and take any low thyroid diet pills that they need to control the symptoms that they have.

One thing that a person who is suffering from this condition should invest in is some weigh to monitor their weight. A person should be aware of the over all shape of their body. It is helpful to keep a journal. This will help them spot changes and keep their doctor informed of the changes.

Usually, the first thing that your doctor requires in order to help you with your thyroid conditions is for a person to take some blood tests. If a person is going to decide the course of action they are going to take they have to do this. The treatment for a thyroid that produces too much can also cause a person to add the pounds. Because of this a person must monitor their diet to ensure that they are staying at the proper weight. When a person has an under active thyroid the treatment can have the opposite results. A person could experience sudden weight loss. It would be necessary for them to adjust their diet accordingly.

The key to controlling this condition is to be vigilant with what a person eats and to include a physician in their treatment. Along with the medicine and a special diet a person should also consider how they workout in their overall regimen. A total fitness plan can be designed for a person. It is a good way for a person to stay in top shape. A person who combines medicine, diet and exercise will be able to maintain their body in the best shape they can.

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