Smart Goals

24th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most people are willing to start a new business project to gain more money or to start things over and independently if possible. Yet, it takes more than just to start the project. What many investors fail to notice is that they have not set smart goals to make sure that their project turns out to be successful on a long term basis. According to dictionaries, goals are those states of affairs that a plan intends to achieve and that, when achieved, terminate the behavior intended to achieve them. This is a definition that may sound a little too pretentious for us to understand, but if we take a little bit of time to really figure out its meaning, we might be better next time when choosing or setting smart goals.

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The expression smart goals has been used by very many project or program designers and business people. The word smart mainly functions as an acronym, there is a goal-describing epithet for each of the letters in the word. The letter s stands for specific, significant, or stretching. M represents words such as motivational, meaningful and measurable. A stands for those smart goals that are agreed on, attainable, acceptable and oriented towards certain actions. Letter r represents such adjectives as realistic, relevant and rewarding or result-oriented. Last but not least, t is the letter of trackable and time-based.

Whether you are interested in setting smart goals related to your business or personal life, it is always a good idea to learn what steps they actually involve. People have nowadays specialized in training others on how to define, set and pursue goals. The trouble is that the institutional education that our society is provided with does not seem to focus enough on defining and teaching aspects that shape minds in the direction of success. Smart goals and their identification or setting are but a few of those aspects missing in our schools. It is only those who prepare for a career in economics and finance that get a grip of such aspects and that is quite a pity.

To conclude, lots of rewards are spread along the path of one who knows how to define smart goals. There have been many cases in which people without lots of education have become very successful. A more pragmatic nature and an innate goal setting capacity have shown such people the way. They have made a clear difference between what is achievable, significant, measurable, realistic and time oriented and the opposite of those. They have succeeded solely based on their intelligence and innate skill of setting smart goals.

The Last Word on Goal Setting:
Today, the demand for efficient time management continues to increase. With this in mind, the opportunities for you to find targeted Naturopathy Marketing ideas have become an important timesaving goal. If you can work quickly and enjoy online marketing you can use your time more wisely.

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Posted on: January 24, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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