Things You Need To Know About Darvocet and Darvon Recall

11th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you heard about the recent Darvon Recall? Fifty years ago, medical experts had problems in treating mild to moderate pains. Aspirins and narcotics were the only option which happens to be a problem. The reason lies on the relatively weak properties of aspirin and addictive and dangerous properties of narcotics. In the year 1957, good thing happened when the drug Darvon also known as Darvocet was introduced and got an FDA approval. Darvon is a mild synthetic opiate which helps in relieving mild to moderate pains. This is much better than using narcotics because it is less addictive. This has been used by a large number of individuals in the US and has been a widely prescribed painkiller by doctors. Naturally, the Darvon recall came as a shock and a problem to most people. A lot of questions surfaced as to why this product was being recalled.

The recall was rooted on the serious complications that can result from the use of propoxyphene which is one of the components of Darvon. Darvon is believed to cause heart problems to its user. Actually, a diagnosis of heart arrhythmia can happen. Heart arrhythmia is an irregular beating of the heart which can result to cardiac arrest and sudden death. This product also produces a lot of side effects such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and drowsiness. In addition, Darvon is blamed for the 589 deaths that happened in 23 US cities.

This Darvon FDA warning request is seen as quite late because for almost three decades, the advocacy group Public Citizen has lobbied for the product to be banned. A petition for banning Darvon was first made on the year 1978 which was followed on 2006. Actually, in the year 2005, Britain has banned this product. It happened around 2009 for the European Union.

There are a lot of issues concerning this Darvon Recall. This recall has made a lot of people panic on what they need to do. There is still a lot of information you need to know. In order to be properly guided, you need to visit Darvon Recall Center.

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Posted on: January 11, 2011

Filed under: Obesity

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