Why You Need Preventive Dentistry

7th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When paleontologists first uncover ancient human remains, the first thing they look at is their teeth. Why? Because through their teeth they are able to determine the diet, the sex and the age of the person in death. The importance of teeth transcends life itself and carries with it its importance through death as well. Which goes to show how much we need to have preventive dentistry to help us save our own teeth.

Have you noticed that old people of today sport less and less false teeth? Unlike the old people of ten years ago where one out of three have false teeth. This can be explained due to the fact that medical sciences have evolved that more people keep their teeth well into old age. This is a good sign. Just imagine, in the future the only extraction procedure we will have is not to remove decayed and rotten teeth, but only wisdom teeth removal Melbourne. No need to worry about falling teeth due to neglect, only evolution counts these days.

A lot of people say that we must take care of our teeth because it is the only set we have. Now, technically speaking this is not true because during the course of our lives, we get to have two sets of teeth. Milk teeth and permanent teeth. However, what they say about taking care of it is true. Because once our permanent teeth is damaged, it stays damaged. Once it falls off, it stays off. This emphasizes the importance of brushing our teeth regularly and flossing daily. Else we risk losing our teeth forever.

The impression dentists get is that they are a source of pain. Though they might cause a pinch here and there, the real pain is reserved for those who don’t take care of their teeth and need major overhauling. The myth is over rated, in fact, if you have ever had a facial before you know that the pain there is ten times worse. Especially when they clean the side of your nose. I literally shed tears of pain whenever I get a facial. Which always reminds me why I wait years before I get another facial. If you want pain, facials are the worse.

In all, what I am saying here is that we all must take care of our teeth cause once we lose them, it is gone forever. Brushing and flossing regularly helps, and getting preventive dentistry from your regular dental hygienist is recommended. Though sometimes there are accidents that may cause us to chip a tooth or maybe lose one, at least it wasn’t from neglect and that alone should make you proud. Oh, and one other thing? Dental health is linked to heart disease. Another reason to take care of your gaping maw.

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