Medical Solutions To Being Overweight

29th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are a lot of people for whom a diet is not able to help them drop the pounds. Diet and exercise is not the answer for all. For some people they need to find a medical solution to their weight issues. This is not an answer for all of the people who are overweight. They are only for extreme cases. Your doctor will be able to suggest a weight loss program that is right for you. These methods are not like the ones on television that promise to show a person how to lose weight fast at home in a week, but rather are drastic measures that need to be overseen by a medical professional and might have serious consequences for anyone who chooses to use them.
Bariatric procedures
The idea behind this type of procedure is to modify the size of a person stomach so they can not eat as much food as before. Different procedures are able to accomplish the results that a person wants.
{Gastric banding places a band around your stomach.|The first procedure ties a band around the stomach.|In Gastric banding a doctor is able to divide the stomach into sections. This creates two halves of the stomach. This limits the amount of food that can be eaten at any one time. Some doctors limit the stomach size by taking part of it away. Less stomach means less food can be eaten. The portions of food that a person needs to satisfy themselves is a lot less. A gastric bypass is an invasive surgery where the doctor seals off a part of the stomach and connects this directly to the small intestine. Doing this is the way that the majority of people undergoing a surgery turn.
Any surgical procedure involves many different risks. It is important for someone to think about this long and hard before they consider a gastric surgery.
Using pills to help you loss weight
Some medications may help to support weight loss. A medical professional will suggest these to people who are in danger of other problems because of obesity. Some people have to take a prescription for one problem that as a side effect helps them lose weight. If a person checks their local pharmacy they will see plenty of diet pills that do not require a doctors orders. The safety of these drugs can often be in question.
Weight loss pills have the potential for abuse. It is important to check with a health professional when you are considering these diet pills. Weight loss pills are not a way for a person to discover how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills and are not a quick fix solution, but they can be good when they are used in combination with a proper diet and an exercise regimen that will help a person maintain any weight loss that they are able to achieve.
Eating plans that severely restrict a patients intake.
The idea of severely limiting a person’s food intake is one that can be considered by a health professional. Under a doctor’s care, you can go below 1000 calories. Instead of getting the nutrition through the food a patient will get the nutrition from other sources that the doctor prescribes. If you do not get your nutrition in your food, you must find another way to get it into your body or your body will react negatively. This will cause it to go into survival mode and can do more harm than good. In order to keep their body from shutting down they need to find other ways to get the nutrients.
Any type of medical procedure can help a person who is unable to lose weight. The battle to keep their body fit and trim is as important as the battle to get fit and trim. Unless they stop doing the things that put them into trouble before they will be facing the same trouble again.

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