List Of Beneficial Actions To Avoid Acne Throughout Your Life

29th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acne can afflict an individual at any time of his life. While acne attacks and breakouts are most common during the adolescent stage, several factors could cause them to harass you over the different points of your life.

The acne problem involves four major factors that have to be tackled – androgen activated sebum output, blocked skin pores or follicles, germs and infection. Androgens bring about the production of natural skin oils which, with an overproduction of dead cells blocks the pores–and blocked pores can create an environment where bacteria love to thrive. Inflammation in turn, typically occurs as a response to the bacteria.

Individuals with acne don’t have elevated androgens; instead, it appears they are more sensitive and react to them in a different way. It has been noticed that the androgen hormones, especially testosterone, have a direct effect on blocked pores. Zinc and omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to help alter your hormone metabolism, so it is recommended you will get 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids or 30 to 50 mg of zinc on a daily basis.

The time before the monthly menstrual cycle is usually associated with acne breakouts, and women can manage this by taking 50 to 100 grams of Vitamin B6 every day. Other women are recommended anti-androgen treatments or birth-control pills to help handle this concern. Vit A on the other hand, has shown outstanding results at lowering sebum production, although you should confer with your health-care professional for the appropriate amounts.

Topical acne formulations help greatly in the management and prevention of acne, but it is essential to get a wide-ranging treatment regimen to ensure you get the most effective results. Take a look at acne treatments and find out how it can help you immensely.

Diet plays an important role in the control and prevention of acne, so it is essential to get lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain clean, vibrant and acne-free skin. Some study also shows that individuals with acne have insulin resistance in their skin. If this is the situation, microbes on the skin cells will transform sebum to free fatty acids which can lead to acne. Try eliminating simple sugars and refined carbohydrates from your diet or taming your sugar levels by taking 400 to 600 milligrams of chromium daily.

Another essential factor to acne prevention and management is correct skin hygiene. In everyday skin care, less is more. We sometimes think that we have to scrub our face intensively with strong cleaning products to eliminate the harmful bacteria. Very strong cleaning solutions will rob your skin of its natural moisture and encourage excessive oil production. And steer clear of heavy foundations and all sorts of makeup–your skin is meant to breathe freely.

To discover an in depth treatment option and get rid of acne once and for all, we advise you check out Derma Cleanse review.

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Posted on: December 29, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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