The Current State Of Johnson & Johnson’s Sales After The DePuy Hip Replacement Recall

21st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Individuals that were affected of the recent hip replacement recall was estimated to be about 93, 000. The DePuy ASR XL Modular Acetabular Cup System and the DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System was the particularly recalled hip replacement implants. DePuy Orthopaedics are the manufacturers of these implants and is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. The reason for the recall was based on the complaints coming from its users. It has been found out that the implants were making the users feel extreme hip pains and they are developing difficulties in walking. A DePuy hip replacement lawsuit has been filed because these users felt the need to make this company pay for their irresponsibility.

It is a fact that hip replacement implants are only good for a certain time and these particular hip implants from DePuy are said to last up to fifteen years. However, these two implants from DePuy have been malfunctioning despite using it for five years only. A revision surgery is even needed for some of its users. There really is a justification on the increasing lawsuits against DePuy.

A lawsuit is never good for a company’s reputation because it can be a factor why a person will lose their trust on the company. Now, how is Johnson & Johnson’s profits doing after the DePuy hip replacement lawsuit?

DePuy Orthopaedic’s is not only Johnson & Johnson’s source of income but after the DePuy lawsuit, their profits decreased. This decrease in sales does not only cover for the hip implants sale’s but also for Johnson & Johnson’s other products such as their contact lenses, their cancer drug, and other medicines. However, Johnson & Johnson does not blame this decreased on the lawsuits but on the current economic condition. The decreased in their sales is being blamed on the ongoing recession which has said to cause a change in the people’s spending habits. People’s financial difficulties are said to be the cause of people delaying to undergo some surgical procedures. As obvious, it would be safe to say that the real cause of Johnson & Johnson’s decreasing profits are the lawsuits from the defective hip replacement implants.

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