Experiences Of The Recipients Of The Recalled DePuy Hip Implants

19th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

DePuy Orthopaedics’ sheer incompetence and complete lack of responsibility in the manufacture of malfunctioning metal hip implants caused an enormous domino effect in the individual lives of the patients. In the first place, these patients consented to hip replacement surgeries to achieve normal lives without the added burden of physical problems. The sad fact that 1 in every 8 recipients of DePuy hip implants will undergo a revision surgery horrified the public, not the mention the 13% failure rate of these implants. The facts and figures regarding what the defective implant can potentially cause are undeniably overwhelming, and so are the disheartening stories of the victims of the DePuy hip recall.

DePuy Hip Replacement Lawsuit
Uploaded by hiprecalllawsuit. – News videos from around the world.

Jacqueline Lum is a 51-year-old resident of Hawaii who received a hip replacement surgery with a DePuy implant sometime in the month of August last 2009. After about three months following her surgery, though, she felt that something was not right: she felt intense pain in her left hip, so agonizing that she had to force herself to take pain relievers every night. To her astonishment and utter dismay, blood tests revealed that she had significantly high concentrations of cobalt and chromium substances, leaving her with no choice but to undergo a revision surgery, or a second hip replacement, on November of 2010. She is the first of Hawaii to press charges against DePuy.

Virgil Lewis received an ASR XL Acetabular System, one of DePuy’s lines of metal hip implants. Just like Lum, he felt pain and weakness in his hip, not long enough after his hip replacement operation. In his hip replacement lawsuit, some of the damages he is seeking include those of emotional stress, penal damages and medical expenses.

Many more victims have been affected, and some may even experience more serious complications than the others. They are all going through a difficult time right now. Even so, just like many other fearless victims of the recall, Lum and Lewis snubbed DePuy’s ridiculous reimbursement plan, and moved on with filing a hip recall lawsuit against the company. You ought to talk to your hip recall attorney if you are also a victim of a defective implant, because just like them, you deserve the same fair treatment.

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Posted on: December 19, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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