Differences Between High Blood Pressure and Low Blood Pressure

18th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

High blood pressure and low blood pressure occur when the blood pressure during and after each heartbeat is either too high or too low. The body is so finely tuned that the pressure of blood must be right in order for the body to function properly. When something as simple as the pressure of the blood reaches a point of being too high or too low, the body will respond negatively. It’s important to remember that what may be high or low for one person may be normal for another. We are all unique, so every person must heed the advice of his health professional to know what steps to take to be healthy.

When the pressure of the blood is too low, it is called hypotension or low blood pressure. This results in the brain, heart and other organs not receiving enough blood. There are three main types of hypotension: orthostatic hypotension, neurally mediated hypotension and severe hypotension.

Orthostatic hypotension occurs when the body suddenly changes position, usually from lying down to standing and only lasts for a few seconds or minutes. Postprandial orthostatic hypotension is when this occurs directly after eating. This often affects older adults, those who have high blood pressure and people suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Children and young adults are usually affected by neurally mediated hypotension. It occurs when the person stands for a long period of time and children usually outgrow this type of hypotension. Severe hypotension is brought on from a sudden loss of blood and the shock that inevitably follows.

Certain drugs can cause hypotension, so if the condition occurs, that should always be examined as a possible factor. The symptoms of hypotension may include confusion, blurry vision, dizziness, fainting and weakness. There are some simple things one can do to help their hypotension. Avoiding alcohol, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting up slowly after sitting or lying down are all things that may help the condition.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is called a silent killer because it can occur in the body without any obvious symptoms. At the same time, however, the increased pressure can be causing damage to the heart. The pressure put upon the body may cause the lining of the arteries to become damaged, which thickens and stiffens the walls. This can cause blockage which can then cause damage to other parts of the body due to lack of blood supply.

The brain, kidneys and eyes can all be affected and damaged by high blood pressure. Angina, stroke and heart attacks are common with high blood pressure, often causing irreparable damage. It’s truly a silent killer, because people are often unaware that there is a problem until something serious happens. Age, weight and personality are not factors that can help determine rather or not someone has high blood pressure. People of all types can get high blood pressure. It’s important to have a health professional check your blood pressure regularly.

If blood pressure is too high, a physician may prescribe a water pill, which he may obtain from Carvedilol suppliers. By preventing fluid retention, hydrochlorothiazide is used to treat high blood pressure. A doctor may also prescribe Coreg, which is supplied from Hydrochlorothiazide manufacturers. Coreg is especially helpful for someone who has already suffered a heart attack and needs their blood pressure reduced. Coreg, a beta-blocker, is approved to increase survival in people who have experienced heart failure.

Both high and low blood pressure problems can be helped. Sometimes, a doctor may recommend lifestyle changes along with medication. Following the doctor’s orders is imperative in order to prevent more serious health problems and live a long life. These conditions are not to be taken lightly and anytime they may be suspected, the patient needs to be examined by a health professional to get advice on how to treat the problems.

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