What To Expect After A DePuy Hip Recall?

18th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In the third quarter of the year 2010, a Depuy hip implant recall happened. This has been known to affect around 93, 000 individuals with women as the largely affected. This recall happened because a lot of complaints were filed against it because it brought a lot of complications to its users. These implants were found defective upon closer inspection. The ins and outs of this case should be known to women as they are the one that is most affected.

These implants are being studied by a lot of research. The research has found out that these implants have significantly large failure rates compared to other models. Despite having the guarantee to last for fifteen years, it was giving user’s complications for only using it within five years. In order to avoid these complications, the affected person needs to undergo a second surgery. Clearly, a lot of women are being put in a great danger.

If you have gone through a hip surgery not earlier than July 2003, it is important that you seek medical advice if you are using DePuy hip implants. This is to avoid facing more complications. Would can you expect from your doctor when your recalled hip implant was from DePuy? A series of tests will be administered by a doctor who includes blood tests and radiological tests. These tests are to see what damage did the hip implant brought on you. These will also determine the next procedure that the doctor needs to do if ever the tests showed negative results such as making you go through a hip revision surgery.

This situation is not a first time so people especially women should be thankful for the guidelines provided. If you want to file a lawsuit against DePuy,it is best you seek a lawyer after seeking medical advice.

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Posted on: December 18, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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