How to Remove Painful Hemorrhoids

17th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The anal sphincter is one of the strongest organs in the body. This area often gets inflamed for various reasons, including difficult bowel movement. The muscles around the sphincter are responsible for proper toilet training. The area surrounding the anal region is suffused with vascular elements that include hemorrhoids.

There are times when swelling of hemorrhoids occur. If the person lacks fluids in his body, his hemorrhoids might become inflamed. The main culprit for the swelling of the hemorrhoids is a person’s disregard for his nutrient intake. Bad diet and excretion habits are thought to be the main things that lead to pain in the hemorrhoids. Constipation and disorders in terms of bowel movement will almost always lead to bleeding of the hemorrhoids.

Bleeding hemorrhoids is also a complication of inflammation. Pregnant women are prone to these disorder because of the pressure around the internal cavities. Forcing bowel movement, like in the case of constipated patients, may also result in hemorrhoidal bleeding.

There are some ways to relieve painful hemorrhoids.

1. Soaking in Warm Water – Warm water must be up to the person’s waist or the whole bottom must be submerged. This will lead to instant relief because the warm water soothes the internal hemorrhoids. If cleaning the infected area is impossible, soaking may reach the places you cannot reach with your hands. If a bathtub soak is not possible, a person can simply wash repeatedly with flowing warm water. Regularly soaking in warm water is recommended for those who have had issues with hemorrhoids in the past.

2. Surgical procedure – Surgery is usually reserved for extreme cases of bleeding hemorrhoids. Surgery is risky, especially since it involves a major physiological function of the body. Painful hemorrhoids should be removed if all other methods of relieving the pain fails. Some rare cases include not being able to control one’s bowel after surgery. The risks are great, so be careful.

3. Laser – Laser is the most high-tech way to cure hemorrhoids. Laser treatment is not as painful as normal surgery. Laser treatments lessen the risk of contracting unwanted side effects that may be present when surgery was done the traditional way.

Visit the following site as they provide information on:
How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

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Posted on: December 17, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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