How to get rid of hair falling

3rd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Hair fall is a problem that concerns both women and men nowadays.Some people take their baldness as a sign of charisma and some feel something lacking in body image and self concept particularly by cancer patients where the radiation therapy makes it ugly and irreversible. Both men and women alike use an array of hair products to enhance the beauty of their hair. These hair products comprise shampoos, conditioners, hair styling gels, hair sprays, dyes, mousse and a myriad other products. Although these products guarantee to make the hair look attractive, which they do, they also cause damage to the hair strands and hair root leading to the loss of hair. Falling of hair is natural and is common to everyone. Hair tend to fall after gaining full length and new ones grow. But excessive hair-loss is a real problem.It is natural for hair to stop growing after a certain period. Depending on the conditions of an individual, the lower part of, the hair gland gets withers or dries up, the old strand of hair is severed from the pore. This process of severance from the pores is known as falling of hair but the fallen hair is replaced by the growth of new hair.Often the hair grows by one centimeter in a month. The falling of up to 100 hairs in a day is considered normal because the head can grow this much of hair again. Often, there is a cycle according to which every strand of hair falls within 3-4 years and new growth takes place. Physicians frequently prescribe iron capsules and vitamin tablets to check the falling of hair but it does not seem to be necessary.

Stress leads to a severe tension in the skin of the scalp, thus leading to hair fall. This adversely affects the supply of essential nutrition required for the healthy growth of the hair. General debility, caused by severe or long standing illnesses like typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza and anemia, also gives rise to this disorder. It makes the roots of the hair weak, resulting in the falling of hair. Unclean condition of the scalp can also cause less of hair. It weakens the hair roots by blocking the pores with the collected dirt. Heredity is another predisposing factor which may cause hair to fall.Hormonal deficiencies can cause loss of hair, particularly so in women. Women normally undergo hormonal changes after menopause and the immediate fall out of this effect is loss of hair. Fortunately, we now have treatments to rectify these hormonal deficiencies if diagnosed early.Also, application of too much force in certain hairstyles to maintain uprightness may also be one of the reasons for loss of hair. Indiscreet use of hair rollers or devices makes the hair weak and ultimately falls off.

Once with the advancement of technology, the field of hair loss treatment has known great improvement. Any person having trouble with his or her hair should eat foods rich in inositol such as yeast, liver and molasses. Research has, however, shown that women have a low requirement of inositol, the vitamin responsible with hair loss. Although this vitamin may help to stimulate the growth of a woman’s hair, its lack is probably not a crucial cause of slow growth. Women are frequently deficient in iodine and vitamin B1, either of which can slow down circulation to the scalp to such an extent that hair may fall out and new hair grow in very slowly. Women who keep their diets adequate in iodine, the B vitamins and iron have a better growth of hair.Also, you could use Provillus, which is a safe treatment and since it does not react with other medications, you can take other the loss of hair treatments while using Provillus too. Its natural characteristic makes it an even safer product to use and you can expect no uncomfortable side effects from using Provillus for the loss of hair.Do not hesitate to try the effects of Provillus on yourself and enjoy its full benefits. Good luck!

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