Tonsil Stone Remedies

19th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a previous victim of tonsillar stones, I figured it’d be a good idea to write this article to hopefully know it could be of assistance to everybody else who has been dealing with these very annoying and mysterious things! To be honest with you I have to admit that until just about a few months ago, I really didn’t know what they were. I’ve been to the physician a half dozen times because of them, been prescribed medicine that turns out had nothing at all to do with tonsil stones and I admit, I’ve tried some of the weirdest ways and methods to get them out of the back of my throat! My own physician couldn’t ever identify what they were which leads me to think, he didn’t really know what they really were.

Here is the best description I can give for what I think they are. Tonsil Stones are irregularly shaped, whitish/yellow, foul-smelling globs of mucous and bacteria that get caught in the tonsils. They form in the tonsil crypts which are simply small pockets or divots that appear in everyone’s tonsils. The proper name for these gross little white/yellowish clumps is tonsillolith which literally means ‘tonsil stones’.

Actually, they have more than one name I’ve come to find out. Here are just a few names I’ve learned they are labeled as:

-Tonsil Stones
-Tonsil Rock
-Throat Stones

I’ve learned the exact medical terms for them but it’s too difficult for me to try and pronounce here! Suffice it to say, if you’re reading this article today, no matter what name you’ve given yours, you or somebody you know has the most unpleasant misfortune of dealing with these stinky, little things. In all my study I’ve also learned that there are tons of misconceptions, opinions and information about what causes a tonsil stone to form, where they came from, how to get rid of them, and most importantly…how in the world can you get rid of them forever!

Many people mistake these nasty things for tonsillitis or other more serious medical symptoms related to the ears, nose and throat. The symptoms I had that caused my discomfort as a result of my tonsil stones were:

-Painful pressure between my throat and ears
-Very bad breath
-Sore Throats
-Itchy throat and uncontrollable coughing
-Ear pain
-Throat Infections

For the longest time, I was not only uncomfortable talking to people about them, but I had the hidden fear that they were very unsafe or possibly some serious disease. To put your mind to ease, I can tell you that they aren’t dangerous at all. They can be really frustrating to deal with and although they can have some really uncomfortable side effects, you can rest easy! They’re much more of an aggravation than anything else. You can have surgery to have your tonsils taken out, which would naturally end tonsil stones. Before you resort to such a drastic and expensive measure though, you need to know that there are safe, natural alternatives you can use to keep tonsil stones from coming back that many people, including me personally have found to be very effective.

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