Thrush in Adults – Learn Why Drugs Will Not Deliver A Long Term Remedy

18th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Oral thrush in adults is usually the consequence of an prodigious accumulation of a fungus called Candida in the mouth. Typically oral thrush will cause white inflammations on the tongue and cheek that ache.

Even though this infection can affect anyone it is far more likely to trouble those with artificial dentures, anemia, diabetes or a compromised immune system making it much harder to treat. In the event that the infection moves to the esophagus your doctor may conduct a throat culture to understand what particular microorganisms are creating the infection, in general Candida bacteria that spread to the esophagus should be treated without delay.

Symptoms may not become apparent right away but appear suddenly and last for far too long. Initial signs of an oral thrush infection will be white lesions, which typically have a cottage cheese like character, that coat the tongue and inner cheeks before growing to the roof of the mouth, gums and tonsils. Cracking at the corners of your mouth, difficulty in tasting, a dry mouth and painfulness are further symptoms. In very severe cases that affect your oesophagus you may also experience difficulty swallowing.

Antibiotics, which have the effect of upsetting your natural bacteria levels, can increase the danger of developing thrush. In a similar way conditions such as HIV/AIDS weakens the immune system and leaves you vulnerable to opportunistic infections like thrush. Chemotherapy following cancer treatment can also compromise your immune system boosting your chance of developing thrush. For individuals with diabetes, your saliva can contain sugars which provides an opportune environment for candida to thrive.

Except in the case of extreme oesophagul infections natural remedies have the best chance of long term success. Sometimes, doctors will recommend using an antifungal prescription but the danger is that a few antifungal medications can damage you liver. Mouthwashes and sprays can affect the amount of flora in the mouth and should be avoided. In contrast unsweetened yogurt and acidophilus tablets can help to control the bacterial flora in your body which can define your speed of recovery. Likewise, limiting the amount of sugar and yeast containing foods in your diet, you can help to ward off thrush.

Additional simple home remedies for instance gargling with salt and water, brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing every day and switching your toothbrush often until the candida has disappeared are good safeguards to take. Also, try swishing a full tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil around your mouth for five minutes and then spit it out. You can also mix four drops of tea tree oil into warm water and do the same thing. These natural remedies are always a safer choice when it comes to remedying oral thrush because of the dangers connected with using antifungal medications.

To claim your unique instant personalised thrush diagnosis visit and discover more tips about how to quickly and effectively remedy and avoid relying on prescription drugs and antifungal medications.

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