Is There a Solution For Asian Flush?

13th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It can be quite discouraging to have the condition known as Asian flush, Asian glow or alcohol red face. Anyone who has it suffers from skin reddening, rashes and a host of other symptoms after drinking a few glasses of alcohol. If you suffer from this condition too, you would want to get rid of it. What solutions are there for you?

Before anything else, do keep in mind that there are no strict facts or scientific points surrounding the condition. There are many small pieces of information associated with it but many of the findings, especially those that relate to possible treatments are not definite. This is an important fact to keep at the back of your mind when you first go searching for treatment options.

The fact that there is still much left to be understood about Asian glow does not imply that nothing can be done. Strictly speaking, finding an absolute cure may not always be feasible for everyone, but there are steps that you may be able to take.

The intake of antihistamine drugs is one thing you may want to try as a possible Asian flush cure. As mentioned, science has not yet conclusively proven the effectiveness of this option. One theory though is that this kind of drug can be good for allergy sufferers because it slows down the generation of acetaldehyde which is what causes the symptoms in alcohol allergy sufferers.

There are a number of objections to the use of antihistamine among Asian flush sufferers. Experts point out that taking this kind of medicine is only a delaying tactic and is not really a solution. After some time, alcohol will still become toxic. Even if you don’t exhibit the usual visible symptoms, your liver and body will eventually suffer the effects of the toxin. Antihistamines have also been known to create unpleasant physical effects such as sleepiness. This isn’t good for anyone who’s been drinking.

Other than medication, some propose the intake of fructose. The mechanism of sweet food is even more poorly understood in relation to preventing alcohol allergy symptoms. The common idea though is that it is possible that fructose, when mixed with alcohol, generates a different metabolic process. There is a possibility that toxin production is inhibited in Asian glow sufferers.

There are also some individuals who choose to try to build resistance. There really have been some people who have been able to eliminate their symptoms by drinking alcohol in gradually increasing amounts. The logic is that the more you drink, the more your body will get used to it. Specialists say though that this isn’t a recommended approach because you will still be accumulating more of the toxin into your body. With more of it remaining unprocessed, the more damage your system will eventually incur. It goes without saying that this is an unpleasant route.

It isn’t correct to say that there is no Asian glow cure. It is also inappropriate to say though that there really are good solutions for it. The best step to take is to test some possible solution options as used by other people. Just remember to always be cautious with whatever you option you choose to employ.

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