Stop Pulling Hair Out Using Tricotillomania Treatment

4th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Trichotillomania is the psychological issue where an individual has the irresistible urge to pull out hair from his or her own body or sometimes from other’s bodies. This impulse is often described as overwhelming and is a far more frequent issue than previously thought. Trichotillomania is believed to impact up to 2% of the population, and the majority of victims are females. Understanding the issue suggests it is triggered by a combination of different factors.

The disorder leads to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment, and is often chronic and difficult to treat. The symptoms of trichotillomania include recurrent pulling of one’s own hair producing in a visible hair-loss, improving sense of tension immediately before pulling out the hair or when trying to avoid the urge to pull, and satisfaction or a sense of relief when pulling out the hair. To be diagnosed with trichotillomania, the signs must not be triggered by any other condition or medical condition, and they must trigger significant distress or disability in daily functioning. Trichotillomania is a classified as an impulse control condition simply because persons feel unable to fight with the impulse to pull hair from their bodies. It is also categorized as an obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder because of its similarities to obsessive compulsive disorder, including the compulsive and repetitive elements of the behavior. If you’re wondering how to stop pulling out hair you should know that the scientists have made a special video treatment that helps to replace your urges with regular actions.This is one of the best trichotillomania treatments on the market because you can purchase it from the comfort of your home and it comes in a discreet packet.

Persons with trichotillomania may feel embarrassment, frustration, shame, or depression about the situation. They may worry about what other people will think or say. They may feel nagged by persons who don’t understand that they’re not doing this on purpose. They typically try to hide the behavior from other persons, and this can make it difficult to get help.

You should stop pulling hair out. The first problem for most sufferers with trichotillomania is to recognize it. This hair pulling prospects to bald areas on the scalp (some patients pull eyelashes, eyebrow hair, or facial or body hair), and a medical doctor for instance a dermatologist may be the first to make a diagnosis. Remedies suggested by the Trichotillomania learning center include cognitive-behavioral therapy, medicines, support groups and alternative therapies, for instance biofeedback, hypnosis, dietary alterations, meditation, yoga, prayer and herbal therapies.

Doctors occasionally employ antidepressants to handle Trichotillomania. But these drugs can have troublesome negative effects, and some people can’t tolerate them. Medicines work best when mixed with cognitive behavior therapy, not when used as the sole treatment.

But the best therapy for this embarrassing problem is now the Trichotillomania treatment that will help you to get rid of your urge of pulling hair. You should try out the trichotillomania treatment but first of all you must confess that you are a trichotillomaniac. Now you can treat your compulsive behavior without pills and regular doctor visits. Try it today and you´ll have no regrets.

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