Why Do I Have Buttock Pain and Sacroiliitis?

31st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s possible you’ve never heard of a condition called sacroiliitis. But if you’re experiencing buttock pain, or pain in your lower back, sacroiliitis may be the reason.

Sacroiliitis can be hard to diagnose. The symptoms are resemble other conditions that cause back pain, such as sciatic nerve damage, a herniated disk, or a pulled or strained muscle. It also resembles a disease called spondyloarthropathies, which causes inflammatory arthritis in the spine.

Someone with sacroiliitis is likely to experience buttock pain, back stiffness,and possibly pain in the thighs. The slightest movement of the lower back or hips will trigger discomfort. Pain and stiffness are likely to restrict your range of motion when you have sacroiliitis.

Other parts of the body can be affected by sacroiliitis too. There may be inflammation in one or both eyes. There may also be a fever, and possibly a skin condition called psoriasis.

Sacroiliitis makes it painful for you to walk because strain is being put on your sacroiliac joints. You’ll probably find yourself limping.

There are many things that can cause sacroiliitis. A traumatic injury to the lower back or buttock area is a frequent cause. Being pregnant will stretch the pelvis, which can result in sacroiliitis. Certain types of infections may also be responsible. Arthritis associated with spondyloarthropathies such as ankylosing spondylitis and degenerative arthritis can also cause it.

Anyone who has sacroiliitis has a number of different treatment options to consider. The most appropriate option usually depends on severity.

Rest is always appropriate. Your body needs time to heal itself. Rest also reduces the possibility of aggravation.

Physical therapy can help.

Doctors generally recommend a number of medications for treating sacroiliitis. Typically, these medications include corticosteroids, NSAIDs, DMARDs and TNF inhibitors.

Corticosteroids work well in reducing pain and limiting inflammation. They also slow down damage to the joints. But if you use them for a long time, there may be side effects.

NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also extremely effective for relieving pain by reducing swelling and inflammation. These drugs have been known to cause side effects, including stomach bleeding, indigestion, high blood pressure and kidney and liver damage.

Some patients are more prone to experience a stroke or heart attack when they take NSAIDs, so never use them without consulting your doctor first.

Typical NSAIDs your doctor may suggest include naproxen and indomethacin.

DMARDs are another type of medication that’s used to limit joint damage. DMARD is an abbreviation for disease modifying antirheumatic drugs. They work best when used in the early stages because they retard the progress of the disease and help prevent permanent joint damage.

Finally, there’s a class of drugs known as TNF inhibitors. These block a cell protein that can cause inflammation, which can help reduce some of the stiffness, swelling and pain.

Unfortunately, these medications can cost a lot of money, so they’re usually used only as a last resort.

However, sometimes buttock pain and back pain caused by sacroiliitis can be so severe that patients will pay the expense.

Many people who endure aches and pains as they get older simply assume such discomfort is a natural part of aging. You should not make this assumption. Anyone experiencing any type of back pain or buttock pain, especially sacroiliitis should see their health care provider for a diagnosis.

As is the case with so many other conditions, sacroiliitis is easier to treat in the beginning before permanent joint damage occurs.

[resource]Related topics: sacroiliitis medicine and buttock pain from sciatica. Neal Kennedy is a former radio and TV talk show host. To read more of his articles, click on causes of buttock pain.

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