What Is The Best Trichotillomania Treatment On The Market?

11th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Trichotillomania is a compulsive hair pulling condition that causes people to pull out their own hair. A person with this condition may pull out his or her own eyelashes, hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or hair anywhere on the body. Because hair is often pulled frequently from the same spots, bald spots that are hard to disguise may occur. Trichotillomania is thought to be a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and treatments for the two are often similar.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Trichotillomania has five distinct characteristics:

  • An increasing sense of tension immediately prior to pulling out the hair or when attempting to resist the behavior.
  • The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder and is not due to a general medical condition such as Alopecia Areta.
  • The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
  • Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair resulting in noticeable hair loss.

If you want to learn how to stop pulling hair out, one of the most helpful posts about this problem you might ever see is a video that will teach you how to stop pulling hair in 9 minutes flat.

The fact is that you can’t just tell someone with this problem to stop pulling his or her hair out so please don’t think that there’s an simple solution. Most doctors suggest a mixture of antidepressants and cognitive hair pulling behavior therapy in that sufferers discover to be conscious of the hair pulling and substitute other actions for it. Sometimes it may be as basic as wearing gloves during times that you’re likely to pull your hair; in some cases, it’s a lifelong fight to manage the desire to pulling hair. But the first step to stop pulling hair out is to be aware of it, and to know that it’s actually a classified mental condition. Most people enduring from this disorder really feel huge guilt and shame about their hair pulling desires. They go to great lengths to conceal what they’d done with hats, wigs and drawn-on eyebrows and sometimes they admit to feeling insane, sick and alone. If you are affected from trichotillomania, you are far from being alone, and this situation can be healed. Why not make the first step today and watch a 9 minute video about how to do it? This video will teach you how to resist the urge to pulling hair out. This video will tell how to stop pulling hair the right way, by increasing awareness of hairpulling and substituting bad behaviors with good ones.

Now you can treat your hair pulling using trichotillomania treatment a 9 minutes video which will help you to diminish your obsessive desire on pulling your hair out.This is one of the most efficient and no time consuming treatment.

There are many techniques you can do in the privacy of your home to help you control your urge to pull the hair, and this video will teach you exactly what to do. For example, the fallowing advice was confessed by a trichotillomania sufferer that got rid of this compulsive behavior. The point is to never give up, because it is possible to get rid of it. “Look for triggers that set off unwanted behavior and make every effort if humanly possible to avoid them. If you pull your hair out while sitting in a certain traffic jam each night, try driving the route at a different time or deliberately travel a different route. Anything you can do to break up your typical pattern will be helpful.”

The crucial is to discover what function Trichotillomania serves in your life, is it a mechanism that you think it makes you feel good? Then you need to take control and substitute it with a good behavior. Now you have an easy trichotillomania treatment you can implement in the comfort of your home: watch this video and you´ll learn how to stop pulling hair right now. If you are serious on stop pulling hair out, before it’s too late and you have caused too much hair thinning and bald areas on your head, simply watch this hair pulling video, specifically made to help any hair puller that wants to stop pulling hair out. You should try Trichotillomania treatment and you’ll that you’ll stop pulling hair out after you’ll watch the 9 minutes video.

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